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Everything posted by vanfullofretards

  1. So what you just eat meat and eggs and drink water during the week days?
  2. "The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for" ----Vladimir Nabokov
  3. "To live in the hearts we leave behind, is to never die"
  4. If you dont believe in an afterlife, I guess you can take comfort in know that you won't know when you're dead. I'll repeat... YOU WON'T KNOW WHEN YOU'RE DEAD
  5. If there is ONE THING that makes me lose sleep at night its the thought of nothingness once we die. FUCK THAT. I've been having panic attacks for a month or two now over that shit.
  6. :lol: :lol: :lol: hahahah getting back to basics huh? propped
  7. Yeah when I first started lifting about a year and a half ago I kept asking people for advice.. and they kept asking me what my goals were, to which I didn't have an answer at first. After a bit I realized all i wanted was to look and feel strong. And that's the facts jack
  8. http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/finder/lookup/filter/muscle/id/12/muscle/shoulders I've done the Arnold DB press to some success... that's all i can offer... incline press works your delts too
  9. He's actually a buddy of mine training for the iron man in a couple years... he wasn't really sayin specifics, just saying that your abs and your lower back muscles work together a lot and if one is slackin (odds are your lower back is) you'll have poor posture because your muscles will be tight in the front kinda pulling the rest of your torso together. If that makes sense?
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD That asian fuck would get a flying/lunging fist to the dome and much much more. And russians are just retarded, but it would be cool to own a baby giraffe.
  11. I was told at the gym the other week that, unless you want a hunched over posture you should workout your lower back just as much and on the same day as your abs. Makes a lot of sense as a general guideline.
  13. Uhhhhhh... you ever look at a toilet handle? I've never seen piss or shit on a toilet handle friendo. But anyways THIS IS WHY WE, AS HUMANS, DEVELOPED AN IMMUNE SYSTEM. TO FEND OFF GERMS. Either use it or lose it. Ya Dig? .. . . . . watch this... for more
  14. Tommy Johnagin is pretty funny
  15. Am I the only one who doesn't really like this show? I don't really like the slapstick humor and unbelievable situations. Just my 2 cents. que hate for the VFOR
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD That's not alcohol. It's either special K or ether. Anyone ever see Fear and Loathing? Acted the exact same way.
  17. See like it sucks.. cuz I want to lose this body flab I have, but in doing so I will have lost a lot of my progress in weight training. Decisions, decisions.
  18. Were your muscles just sore? Or do you feel like you actually pulled something? If you're just sore I'd wait until your muscles are done repairing. And odds are when you work those muscles out again you wont be sore for so long. But seeing results from exercising can take awhile. Depends on how intense you get with it. And since you're totally new to working out, I'd do more cardio exercises... going on long bike rides, jogs, buy a jump rope etc. You'll notice and feel the results more quickly. Move more, eat less. It's as simple as that. But then again, this is all just my opinion. Do what's best for you.
  19. Is it possible to burn fat while still putting on muscle? I've recently realized I'm developing a third roll......interval training starts today.
  20. Man it's fuckin weird... So i'll be benching my max.. and some little high school kid comes in next to me with what looks like hardly any muscle mass and starts benching my max like a breeze. Sooo frustrating.. it must just come easier to some. And I bet sure as shit little boy wonder has never done a squat in his life.
  21. AOD.. the fuckin heavy hitter! Yeah my bench is nowhere near what i want it to be.
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