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Everything posted by gramatikalerror

  1. Old MUL photo i found cleaning shit up this weekend. this was like 99 i think? cicero
  2. 2 pics i found along with the mag. gotta find the rest of em. theyre B&W pics cause of a project. these were pre2000 if i remember. i tried rotating this like 10 times and shit wont rotate 90 only 180 so its sideways.
  3. That is pretty weird. this Del was from Pilsen NS crew. only thing i ever saw from them was that video store across from harrison park. those new MUL cats hit up regularly. this del had a rooftop right by that 18th st Konami roof top. that old faded blue one. right before you make the turn to hoyne. oh welll
  4. Someone mentioned Del last week. klnew i had some shit laying around. found this old cut and paste mag. Suprised its didnt get all jacked up over +10 years. Chicago to Milwaukee. might not be able to see everything all that good. its a copy of the mag that i scanned. this is only 4 of 40 pages. check the common character lol if i rotate that last pic you cant read shit on it so to make it easier just turn your monitor on its side. I'll post some more up if i get the time.
  5. heres another one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5rRD7uJ-eU Hot Chocolate Heaven is(the back seat of my cadilac) diff. version (not funk) but use to be jammed out to a lot here in chicago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XhNAsz_MKg bitch singing it sounds like my type of chick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cRTAy5GgVE burn one to this. Buddy Miles was the man and where ?love got his style from IMO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYw5PxCBHVk Locksmith- unlock the funk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jv_JmhSLYKk Rabbits & Carrots Mexican James Brown covers my fault if this was posted but this is a good listen about south of the border funk http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=95345222
  6. alright so got my wii modded with HBC and neogamma(didnt do it myself).i wanna load games of a external HD. i know you can run them thru NeoG. my question is are ALL iso's torrents? or are there games you can just drag and save to the HD? no computer at home(poor yea i know) and dont wanna DL torrents on my work computer. Thanks for the help.
  7. Thats what I'm sayin. Saw some CSU fills off the eway too. south, no flicks.
  8. thats the Devork park pool? lol remember seeing that pic years ago. Post more flicks from that perogi wall on Oakley. shit was always fresh. espically that DC5 on the roof by shred (i think). pitty they tore the place down.
  9. some nice ones in this thread from what i saw. heres some of my youtube favorites. (sorry if they been posted) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N79jMq-PfGc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4Hgx5HcV1E (nice joint to just play and zone) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkGOAG2UAqc
  10. who got the purpkushdankgreenchronicliciousbubble? need to ring in the new year right! in all seriousness.. i need some pm me! haha i just smoked my last b right noooooooow
  11. gramatikalerror


    Im from the southside of Chicago. I had 3 of my boys who told me they picked up with little to no line. 15 min tops. Me, I have my "special" spot. #1 jordan retailer in chicago yet no one seems to know.. i can go there 3-4 days after a hyped up release and usually find it(i picked up 2 space jams on the 26th). dude lets me in the storage room but always says i cant buy anything untill he goes thru them Whack.
  12. Hammond,IN. aint shit around any of those freights. just be prepared for the smell.
  13. gramatikalerror


    the NEw space jam is pure garbage that all hypes want so they can look "fly". the jumpman aint even jumpin the same way as the OG's and look fake as hell. i just sold a pair to some trust fund kid for $300 on craigslist. now if they had the Ray Allen P.E's thatd be a diff story. people in chicago kknow they're basura. no lines in any stores that i heard of. walk right in pick your size and walk out. speakin of which i have other jordans and various shoes for sale. Pm me. im a size 10 and have shoes from 9.5 to 10.5. nikes, Jordans(altitude greens, olympic 6 NOT 7, pacific blue 7's etc.) and i got those Nike Sb easter tres only 500 made world wide. PM me
  14. no need to try and stir up controversy that will go on for 9 pages of people arguing...who cares who was whos favorite. point is 2 young men lost thier lives over some shit that will never be brought to REAL justice. what you need to ask is how how you feel about living in a city where a cop will be suspended WITH pay and if not, will have his hefty pension to fall back on even thou he murdered 2 innocent people and tried to run away from the scene.
  15. nastynickles22 xbox 360 GT. decent at COD when im not high as shit, when i am high as shit im mediocore. need them spec ops achivements. no fuckin riot shields or heart beat sensors!
  16. school sports programs will prob do in house testing and not send it out to a lab(you can ask her if they gave her the results right away or not). if it is in house they will only check for certain substances and that its the right temperture. and if shes on a damn lacross team i figure that went thru her after her 3rd shit(assuming she has a fast metobalism). she should be cool. for future refrence (for anyone)if you know your not gonna pass, drop some of your pubes in the sample you give. It contaminates it and they cant use it which buys you at least a few more days till they find out. and i cosign that smokin a bowl and jackin off to some gianni michaels! THEN COD after. PAZ
  17. oh yea, and FTI if you take a creatinen supplement be prepared. your ass might leak like a faucet when you shit. easiest way is to eat some good steaks instead
  18. as long as shes not a regular smoker i think she should be cool. is she fat? skinny? if shes fat then maybe she should worry. cranberry juice is a ggood way to start but most people i know try that method along with diluting with water and just put themselves thru about 5 days of piss torture. if its like a probation test they are gonna check the gravity and creatinne levels. (thats why those detox drinks dont work yea they clean you out, but they clean EVERTHING out) they notice and fail you. or it might buy you time for a retest. look up the "asprin method" and sub the water with gatorade. 2 days before the test eat red meat or take a creatanine supliment. I was on probation for 2 years and got dropped every other time i went in. would stop smoking maybe 4 days before the test(longer the better). WARNING its uncomfortable as fuck and she might have a problem getting to the test place without pissin her pants. the asprin will cause a false negs result. i would always do a practice run before i went in with those .25 cent test strips. this was just the method I used and it worked like a charm. P.S. if its for a job, by law they cant watch you piss. in that case i would just sub my piss for someone elses.
  19. these werent mentioned yet. they were the shit before they got brought out by snyders. still good thou with a lil tabasco and lime. real chicago chips. use to be called JAPS before perl harbor happened. and its where Lays got thier name from
  20. anyone try thiose new XXhot flamin hots? "limited edition" come in a black bag, and taste no different than regular flamming hots. dissapointment
  21. Just my 2 cents, I dont condone hitting a "woman" but if a bitch wants to get up in my face and act like a tuff guy, shes gonna get treated like one.
  22. you need to drop this chick dude. ol boy popped up on fb because you got her mad. women are vendictive as hell. they been talking this whole time you 2 been together G. and thats giving her the benefit of the doubt that she was loyal to you and didnt get down with him yet. you shouldnt think you need a chick that looks to get you jealous and suspicious when you piss her off. i was with a girl like that for 3 years. that was 3 years to long. after 1 year of that shit i just started ignoring all that, it made her more pissed cause she thought i didnt give a fuck and was fucking some bitch. WARNING: doing so might cause said girl to go fucking nuts. mine did. been apart for 2 years she still contacts me. got my number some how and just last week called me at 4am. no joke. "you cant trust something that bleeds for 7 days and doesnt die" long rant, im high as shit. didnt read any of the replys so if i said something everyone already said, my fault. hope it helps.
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