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Everything posted by Statrick

  1. was walking to one of my favorite spots gacefully to grab a sandwich, and saw these guys painting this wall. its was pretty dope just stumbling across some of the most talented writers in the world by accident. its been gone over twice already though.
  2. How they say 12 months in Estonian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T41ZRw45obs
  3. i learned about this once. shit is pretty crisp
  4. i was bored tonight, haven't really fucked with my graf style for awhile so i figured i flipped a sketch in photoshop.
  5. imagining the tenth dimension http://www.tenthdimension.com/medialinks.php HOLLYWOOD INSIDERS - Fallen Angels What do The Man Who Would Be King, Stargate, Star Wars, The Matrix, Dogma, the Simpsons, & Harry Potter have in common? Everything! It is the messiah story the story of jesus, which is really the FREEMASONIC story of the chosen one, the savior of humanity. You are all waiting for a savior to come back, you don't realize it's because the illuminati told you so! playlist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LqEq4vDRQc&feature=PlayList&p=6425D90952A69BCE&index=0&playnext=1 HOLLYWOOD INSIDERS: Dark Stars Hollywood Insiders Dark Stars examines Illuminati symbolism, Predictive programming, 9/11 synchronicities, and Satanism in Hollywood and the music industry http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8567939474115092901&ei=8wn6SfGeGYfyrAK0x-zJDw&q=Hollywood+Insiders%3A+Dark+Stars&hl=en&client=firefox-a Dc Street Sorcery this one can get boring but the info is pretty interesting A documentary on all the sacred geometry found in the layout of Washington D.C. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5705175267884693574&ei=P7nxSYyEOozwqAOEp5miCg&q=dc+street+sorcery&hl=en&emb=1
  6. i believe its up to million plus combined total deaths, also theirs some funny rule like, soldiers who get shot from behind or that die in hospitals outside of iraq aren't counted in the official death toll. either way still cant justify killing baby animal. the kid is probably a sociopath. but i guess when you see all that death what one puppy to you. he'll make a great serial killer someday.
  7. i watched them paint this for a little bit. i was just walking to grab a bite to eat and stumbled upon them right around the block. looks good
  8. you ever see Children of Men? this could be a perfect example of how the events of that movie could become true.
  9. any thread about my graf mentor in a good thread. man is a legend. i love this thread. statrick swayze
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