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Everything posted by Y.ouA.intS.hitR.eally

  1. Good one today. Six or so Six inchers solids, light fragrance, light coloration. I also noticed that i always call people when I'm taking a shit, and one else do that? Wiped a good seven or so times, also showered shortly after cause I'm so fresh and yet at the same time so clean.
  2. EBP your shit popped off. The thread is going nicely I see. Unfortunately I didn't realize it was a play by play, or I would've paid more attention to the small details of my loaf pinching. Good shit though, I felt a sense of accomplishment after I flushed.
  3. oh and before you fucks start saying how do you afford all that shit...about 5% of it was actually paid for. Professional racker son! My favorite powermove is going to home depot filling a cart/ bag/ container with paint...go to the garden area...call and ask for the garden department. There's always two by the door so you gotta time it right, let the person not on the register help someone then call. The register person will walk across to answer the phone then you just walk out behind them while they're sitting there like Home Depot garden department how can i help you? Umm hello? hellllo? heeeelllllloo?
  4. shit loads of krylon and rusto bomber colors. Black/white/chrome. didn't flick em tho. ooooh yeah and some paint from Mexico called Comex that covers surprisingly well( with certain colors) All together probably aroung 50 cans or so, but quickly dwindling.
  5. ^^^^naked lady pen is my favorite...write extremely well too.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  6. Just a couple pens n shit laying around.
  7. ohhh i forgot that i even had a scribe til i looked at the picture score!
  8. Drippers and big marks most of these were recently racked, so keep an eye out for the bingo bomber!!
  9. Prismas and Trias...I know I should be a lot better with all this crap, but I still suck.
  10. I steady keeps it artsy fuck what you have to say!
  11. It was a fuckin joke on the actual final there was a question and I quote "What colors do blood gang banger wear? Red/Blue/Black/Pink" The info in the class was a lot of common sense, but I guess i did learn a little. What was especially cool was finding out all the gang territories in the bay and what they stand for how they started, shit like MS13, Nuestra Familia,ect. I wouldn't reccommend it though.
  12. getting is spizzeled getin duh! yu gotz ta spel hyphy asswel!
  13. Gritito Gritito where for art thou Gritito?
  14. I gotta bad goped we could totally cruise, but you gotta hold on and get really close. I mean really close, like butts ta nuts. But that ain't gay right? It's not gay until you swallow, at least that what he told me. /nohomo
  15. I cumed, but i still don't get you. Don't know if I ever will.
  16. Oh yeah and MDMA is a compounded form of Methamphetamine. I took a class on gang and drug culture in college and I think one of the reasons this caught on so much is people don't realize they're doing meth, they're just taking a pill. A good example is...would you ask a teen to do meth outta a glass dick or take this little pill with a cute little hello kitty on it? XTC is soooo made for kids. When it was actually a prescription drug it helpped in couples therapy, to open up and express there feelings. Now I go to a house party and mother fuckers wanna tell me why there jeans feel so good against their fingers. Fucker tweakers without even realizing it. Do your homework before you ingest something every day of the week, that puts hole in your brain. I'll stick to what mother nature gives me. Chemicals are nasty. And don't get me wrong not everyone that pops is an e-tard, but there are those who go overboard, hopefully one of those peeps reads this and made a different choice.
  17. Rush u kill me, I never knew mexican dwarfs go dumb too. And by the way I know this has been said before, but I wanted to drone it into your skulls. The bay has many genres of music the hyphy movement as just gained a lot of popularity of late, not that it hasn't been going on for a while. It's just now clear channel realized they have another money maker, from real trend setters like 40 and hicks. Although I like the movement it's not what reps the bay in a nut shell, we're just too diverse for that. I mean yeah E-40 and San Quinn and Mac Dre all come from here, but have you forgotten so did Greatful Dead, DEL, The Animals, Spice 1, Janis Joplin, QBERT, Carlos Santana, Living Legends, Green Day, Disflex 6, and countless others? So fuck what ya heard and forget what you thought you done thunked, cause yeah we go dumb, but we also got intellectuals. oh yeah can't leave out the Earthlings cause Boac and Topr are graff writers. So basically we are a diverese cluster fuck of music and inspiration. Now hate on what I've had to say, you beezies.
  18. Hey that oil belongs to my SUV fuckers!
  19. Are you joking I'm not sure, but yeah he has a tendancy to, espeacailly when I see him on the Daily Show. He just gets into it so much that he probably forgets sometime, but whatever he knows what's up on the political tip, for the most part. Ever see Lisa Lapanelli(not sure if that's how here name's spelled) anyways she's the funniest woman comic I've seen in a long time. Really dirty too, so you should like her G.
  20. I do too! Maybe I should make a throwie out all the hash i have at the moment.
  21. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Love that aquamarine used to pop those burners bumpers to phunk for a constant flow of proper flicks.
  22. Man that Chek guy has mad ups don't you think thom? ahaha Good shit...good times.
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