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Everything posted by desism_ktc

  1. Is that still there??? Holy crap that brings back memories lol.. talk about marking your turf, that permanently marked the 6 yard..
  2. damn vismo still at it bro.. but not on a gondola wow lol.. det ristyle//
  3. the flood gates are trickling... stolen..
  4. that is a nice silver relm... back in the day clover green was nice to use in silvers as a 3D but the shit was adobe and avocado..those fuckers covered everything in one coat..ah the good old rusto..
  5. nice thread..i'll have to post some of mine one day when i get motivated.. but bump all this stuff, neat to look at..
  6. yes bump obsoe for his face.. forgot to say that before..
  7. not sure about the mats..I need tan ones??? that was fucked up... video was working fine, maybe time to upgrade your gigahertz lol...
  8. http://www.romaniangraffiti.ro/bronx-graffiti-reunion.html some nice footage with the ktc flava...
  9. nice mise str8's but the candy one reminds me its time to vamp the kiddies soon for the treats.. some carolina additions here with jerx rebus aloha str8 letter funk
  10. yeah that is nice... a TFY LTF collaboration of sorts... always said all the nc heads could do some nice stuff once ALL egos were squashed.. but what the fuck do I know, only been in this for bla bla bla... maybe in 08... damn that chicks ass is mesmerizing..i just stared at it and lost twelve minutes of my life...
  11. Look at that engine with a ghost driving it lol.... http://fredericksburg.com/News/FLS/2007/102007/10102007/323732 choo choo
  12. yeah team... killer kolun sicrism moms in general..
  13. Old sketches like that are always great to look at.. nice nxrto
  14. I'll be back this weekend.. rehab is no joke, me, Britney, Lindsay and the rest are just gearing up for the fun in the fall... oh shit I gotta go the man is sneaking up on me...
  15. :eek: :eek: :eek: Haters keep hating lol... Yo RAMO.. that was stolen off the railfan site, I 'll forward the complaint to the railfan on why he didn't catch it lol.... I am pretty sure it was taken months before the Fritz prodo on the flipside.. :) nice update.. that athel suga kerse looks FRESH...
  16. my sickness must have taken control of me into an IND world..I meant to say R-30..
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