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Everything posted by desism_ktc

  1. Yeah I am probably going to add that to my places to visit..probably in the winter to experience the full effect of the Altoona cold ..lol... I hear there are like 500 trains a week that pass thru there..does that sound about right?
  2. yeah i know..tight schedule this weekend and some other stuff held me home but I'll feel sorry for the steel when I get out.. word on the street was that the pre-Halloween car was sited at the Horsehoe Curve, hopefully flicks soon... fuck it.. nice racks..auto racks that is..
  3. that sye break is off the railsss hot...
  4. its the old divide and conquer technique they have been using since fat officer nitti was in the vs back in 86... say nothing they can't do nothing...
  5. i learned today that painting a canvas isn't as fun as painting steel or even a wall... fuck this..
  6. brace rip... this is just too funny but falls in the straight letter catergory... bf (buffalo) is unfucking believeable lol...
  7. ha ha those characters just took me back..way back..love that production...
  8. that jick has gone south-north a lot in a short time frame.. jickety jick..
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