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Everything posted by Cracksmoka

  1. Cracksmoka


    ^ they are kewl.... all day sneaker missions are fun... $60^ am. 90's island pack $30^ air epic's... $30^ air safari87's MOWABB... a REAL good find...
  2. Cracksmoka


    there the steve nash's, and be careful because the y crease really easily... just fyi... oh and about $90-100
  3. your my peoples, and i got luv for alll yall.... but can we relegate the nut viewage to the pm's...PLEASE??????
  4. how dare you desecrate the batcave with such sub-par man boobs!
  5. Cracksmoka


    those invisible woman's are worth a few dollars already...
  6. how about some charity tits??? ill take some lucious OG KB's twin mounds of fun even...
  7. Cracksmoka


    ok ok i see we have some nike haters out there... how about these bad boys that are about to drop...
  8. Cracksmoka


    i hope your not sleeping on these, they dropped yesterday... nov. 18th
  9. YEEEAAAA my nug...^ fly or die... so whats up with these titties??? POST # 100... im back in the ball game, senior member status here i come.
  10. yes you can, the sneaker villa stores here have had hats made for the different sections of the city... ie: North Philly, South philly etc... there real deal ones too... like with the 3-d stitching and stuff...
  11. i got the new CLOUT in the mail... its pretty good... he used the same agua/kid picture i sent him that was in the last one though... that was weird
  12. Cracksmoka


    oh you know i dont my nukka
  13. nike "evolution of air max" pack
  14. oh shit spoke too soon.. what up deets... yea i got some more flicks for you bro...
  15. wheres 2blazzed wheres gats wheres deto gooser mindvap evilethreadz gliks.. where the FUCK is MERO???? what happened to everyone???
  16. Cracksmoka


    eminem did these 4's too... why does he look like a lesbian in that picture?
  17. Cracksmoka


    and i just got these...
  18. guess whos back... damn nobody even remembers me...??? aww man, its bad enough im a social reject in real life.... now i cant even get recognized by my gangster ass e-crew...
  19. Cracksmoka


    air trainers.... i always wanted that pair... thats a really good price for them and the am93's... good catch edit :woops am93's not 1's (caught myself)
  20. Cracksmoka


    your best bet might be to have someone in the states cop them for you... and just mail them...youd save at least 100$... unless you can find a deal on ebay
  21. Cracksmoka


    which ones abc? there are like 3 or 4 this year... http://pickyourshoes.com/ http://www.uptempoair.com/NEWARRIVALS.htm http://www.23isback.com/index.htm http://www.soleredemption.com/ heres a couple of good sites... theres links to some other good ones through these too. and ebay is always pretty safe if your looking to buy something that is newly released, you ussually dont have to worry about a newer model being bootlegged right away...
  22. Cracksmoka


    theres a new DMP pack coming out next year... at least thats the rumor... get your tents & riot gear ready
  23. Cracksmoka


    these arent by NIKE, their by the dude ARI that used to make "on the go" with ESPO... they put a cease and desist on those, so if you find a pair i suggest you grab them... i got the nash 90's and the huf's i also found some FC huf's that go with it.. there pretty cool. whats up, no jordan heads in here(REAL)? the militaries came out yesterday.. and the green beans come out in 2 weeks... a few from within the last 6 months: got the black/red ones too (saved half by waiting so long)^ not my flicks, no digi, i use 35mm...
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