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Everything posted by Cracksmoka

  1. *HELP: - im trying to add music to my "myspace" page, and for the life of me i cannot find a site that i can upload a song to and get a url... please help me, its getting me pissed off, you cant fully appreciate my profile without "ENYA" playing... god!
  2. scary kids and evergreen terrace opened that show^... it fucking ruled...
  3. new album came out today... i think its great.. there playing the north star here in philly on thursday, im so there... just got my new cannon eos REBEL G 35mm in the mail today... sweet, im getting back into the whole photography thing, so i should have some dope flix to entertain soon. i also just gripped the wify a sony cyber-shot 5mp for a bill mint condition too... man, ebay is my shit...
  4. tna landed a spike tv deal for the falll... im mad happy, i didnt get foxsports net here... whats the deal with this photoshop shit?? am i the ONLY person in the world who dosent use it???
  5. so a chessy cop rolled through the yard on us this morning, no sweat... I saw him coming a mile away, hide for a min, back to painting... but in the quick rush to hide i damaged my digital cam... which i have in pieces in front of me rite now. i think the zoom lens came off the motor... so basically i think im screwed.... does anybody have a clue on how to do this??? i cant get the lens mount off the board... FUCK!!!
  6. yea, at the last show they were heckling all sorts of stuff when he defended against cristopher daniels... "see you on velocity" "hope you like being triple h's bitch" "i hear THE CABINET has a few openings"... etc... man WWE is starting to get shook of ROH, you can tell... there steady with the talent raids now... im going to the fr8 yard, its now 9:30 am... holla ^o^
  7. thats ok, i like noble, hes a sound all around wrestler... plus i get to see him defend saturday in morristown nj... :smiles: ringside nigga!!!!!
  8. "you are the weak... and I am the tyranny of evil men..." best movie quote ever... deets got your book today! thats whats up glad to see so many bredren reppin the set... what do you want me to do with them labels an assortment??
  9. gooch, if you never did deadlifts before your gonna feel sore (especially if you started out high) remember: ALWAYS STRETCH BEFORE AND AFTER A WORKOUT...
  10. you bought that on ebay!!!???? DAMN YOU!!! i wanted that!!! :hatred:
  11. so i banged up my car last year a lil bit... (it was 5 yea thats right FIVE days fucking old) some senile old fuck turned into oblivion for no apparent reason rite in front of me... no sweat my moms husband (who is the biggest cockbag i know) always has a connect. his "boy" he went to highschool or his brother or some shit well he does the work on my whip... ----->fast forward: to this morning..... ... im driving along, la de-daa.... bang.. my engine drops. lift hood, motor mount bolt seared in half... FAST FORWARD---> gm dealership calls, yea who put your car back 2gether after your accident because this isnt covered under your waranty... they did such a shoddy job, its unfortunate that someone tried to cut corners and save some money and you are paying as a result of it... i could KILL rite now, and i mean that.. i really am fucking enraged to the blackout point rite now... +my whole family left for the shore 2day, and since they just HAD to move out of the city last year im stuck in bumfuck gods country with no way to get to ANYTHING... i dont have a credit card i have about 2hundred dollars to my name, and i have no way to get a rental car.... god help me...
  12. i thought you were in college??? damn, im all twisted around...is anyone else a dropout workaday slob like me??? advice: dont go to a trail without a lawyer and just say "you want to plead guilty"... im lucky the DA was cool... And you know that judge was a BatMason.... come now...
  13. hah carlito.. hes one of my new favs... and look at gliko, all the kb's growing up and getting jobs... are you done school now bro??? im so proud. :bawling: and "dead" curls are where its at man... they add size to your arms in like NO time...
  14. so batista retains the belt... hes actually developed somewhat of a personality since the switch to smackdown! as much as i dislike him people do just have a natural rapport with JBL... hes the quinticential (<-is this the term im looking 4?) heel...
  15. yea, i figured that, there was no secret, im glad anyway, that storyline was just getting WIERD... and thats funny glik, michael cole speaking at a graduation...who did your class get, cochesse???
  16. our roots stretch deep... today americas upper educational institutions... tommorow the federal government then the WORLD... MWWAAHHH HHAAHHHAAA!!!!
  17. haha.. damn, the "peeps" are outraged!! that is bullshit about benoit though, there is no WAY jordan could legitimitely beat him 1 on 1 im kinda suprised MnM lost, does this mean a substantial re-occuring role for animal?? i bought the L.O.D. dvd by the way, although i have yet to watch it.. damn, keep me posted..
  18. keep e posted on the bash will you, i cant get it here...
  19. thats dope glik, i might need the inside info on that process... deets, it was a 60min time limit draw.. cris landed the angels wings as the crowd was counting down the last 10 seconds, the ref counted three ass the clock hit zero and they called it a draw... needless to say everyone started chanting 5 MORE MINS. and then BULLSHIT!!! then the Embassy came out and started f-ing daniels up, then somoa joe jay lethal and james gibson and generation next came out and fucked up the embassy (alex shelley joined the embassey last night, i was pissed i liked shelley) then joe gibson and daniels cut a promo about punk taking the belt to wwe... ohh yea and BJ Whitmer and jimmy jacobs won the tag titles from carnage crew... good fucking show, there coming back oct.2 i cant wait...
  20. Courtorder, i didnt take my time at all with that, the 3d is a little f-ed up... thats why i added those cinnamin clouds to try and cover shit up... GLIKO was taking the time with the buckets of water and all worth it?? was it an all day thing or does it go fairly quickly?? and did you get a lot of shit grey looking colors? Deto im going to ROH tonight RINGSIDE!!! CMPUNK is going to wwe so hes going to lose the title to the fallen angel, i think V.1 is going to make a suprise appereance to im actually leaving rite now!! HOLLA
  21. mudd butt... its got to do with the stinky stinky, and the cocky dooky... can i get an amen...
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