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Everything posted by Cracksmoka

  1. ^those are dope... where you been at nekro??? yo deets, wrestlemania was a BANGER!!!! CHAIN GANG!!!! THE CHAMP IS HERE!!!!
  2. meroes is like the super gully 12oz version of redman....
  3. that is funny gooch, how awkward did you feel at that moment??? gats- that shirt is dope... have you peeped the new moz cd/dvd yet?
  4. subway/street mission last night ill post some more if anyone is interested.... although i got 150+ flix if your not a old school enthusiast such as myself they can be boring...
  5. lets go MSU.... i HATE unc.... you have no idea.....
  6. see yall down in pennsylvania bay.... (obscure live tool reference)
  7. silentwrytes? a new forum a local cat is trying to get up and running... show some love and register...
  8. i am SO jealous rite now.... I wanna get drunk with a monkey... a MONKEY DAMN YOU!!!! sin city sounds like a dope background... and i should be able to roll up for this (if my bills are all paid) side- (4 gats actually)-- new moz cd and dvd came out yesterday... " who put the M in MANCHESTER" live from his world tour.... its BANGING..... im moving to bangkok... i mean, even the name is great..... BANG-KOK....heh heh.....
  9. ok how about a handstyle battle for a word.... whatever word you like... i take on all comers...
  10. arrested development is my shit.... having just gotten those zines and havent really seen any in quite awhile i think that we deserve one... what do you think a knightbats zine?? we'll each get one and the rest go to other 12ozers on a first come first serve basis??? (maybe a run of 100?) i wanna know what yall think before i get into the particulars, but basically it will be everything YOU ALL (myself included) contribute.... it would be black and white of course and probably cut and paste (unless someone has a program they could hook up or recommend) let me know.... holla......
  11. we got chased painting that fr8 too... the linkage had broken and the other half of the train was left on my line waiting for service men and an engine to tow em back to the yard... well we werent done when the workers showed, they chased us out... so i waited up the tracks and caught it as they were towing it away... shitty flick i know... shitty letters too...
  12. well gats since i just got the new helmetheads, and you happen to have a full page ad in it... now your OFFICIAL!!! i want to see the shirts, you shoud have goose in a barber chair with gliko dancing around him w/. a str8 razor..... oh yea, super props to EL GOOCHE for looking out.... i hooked them dudes up with some random flicks(some classics) and a couple bucks and they sent me like 3 or 4 issues!!!! im stoked to make my own zine now, i havent seen a good graff zine since giants back in like 95-96.... holla...
  13. ^ive got a list of homo puns to throw out rite now.... but i think ill use my better judgement... :haha:
  14. i havent been in here lately (i kinda been into bombing alot lately)... anyone down for some new trades, and a few people owe me some stuff... peace...
  15. http://www.satanslaundromat.com/sl/ this sites pretty cool....
  16. http://www.satanslaundromat.com/sl/ this site is pretty dope, lots of cool pictures and some street art... my cameras been busted ill be gettin a new one shortly... i should have a large post coming up...
  17. west virginia-wake forest game was bannanas 2nite...
  18. i was just kidding gats, chill... i would never disrespect..... and that great escape flick may be the funniest thing ive ever seen.... :haha:
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