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Everything posted by Cracksmoka

  1. chocolate pudding...mmmmmmmmmmmmm.... a la : homer simpson...
  2. drinking your face off = where i am right now... henneyrock... over a foot of snow here already... my boy is gonna submit fr8 footage to the new "sneak attack" video.. i was thinking about tagging along and just doing them 10ft. tall hands taking up the whole side of a fr8, just to bug people out... what do yall think???
  3. id rather paint in the city too, although fame is cool as well... and i like corn muffins gats....
  4. and if push came to shove you could probably crash in our hotel deets, i dont think youll have a problem finding a spot though... you should DEFINITELY roll out here man, we NEED our VP....
  5. i got a bottle of hennessey fam!!! thats all i got though, im broke as shit this week, my weekend wil consist of sitting around waiting on the eagles game sunday... maybe sunday evening if its not to windy ill hit the fr8's (the yards 2mins from the house) im also hype for this knightbat getogether in feb. we need a weekend getaway from the norm.. we should have another one in atlantic city in the summer!!! are we really gonna have a meet and greet that friday night?? and i like detos illustration, only it should say "join US or die" and be in a more styled font (not knocking just saying not paintshop) i love that bat and the slogan though... like i said gooch, id throw up 50 up front... just to secure them ... HOLLA!!! (cracka=only broke nerd in on friday night)
  6. id throw a half up (50$) for the shirts too...that would be SO off the proverbial hinges... were the bad news bats...
  7. yea i understand the wall is in CT, but im not gonna spend a whole weekend walking around hole in the wall fucking BRIDGEPORT... i wanna see the big apple ive only been twice on day trips... and i wasnt driving, so im saying, who's gonna show us the best places to shop eat flick bomb etc....
  8. so whos gonna show me and wifey around NY when we roll up for this wall? and should we rent a room in the city or out? im not tryin to pay 100bills to park, yamm...
  9. im definitely interested in a few of those pffffftt... ill pm you what i like tommorow, think about what youll want for em....
  10. to everyone: how about this, the next tiime your in pep boys look for paper label cans called "hot paint" if they have chrome cop it for you boy and ill hook you up MAJOR!!!!
  11. good looks glik, and everybody... mi familia... you know what the time will be.... im gonna have a trunk full of paint so nobody be TOO stressed about not having enough, you can always cop a can or 2 off the kid<---- and gooch, how much would it cost to get knightbats t-shirts made up? get a head count on here and price out how much it would cost.... that would be the HOTTNESS!!! and on a side : i still like hip hop, ive just not been heavily into it like i used to be, as of late...COMPANY FLOW!!!thats it!!!
  12. hip hop is so not it for me right now... i havent even been following it heavily for the last few years... i can honestly say i have never even heard 1 aesop rock or any def jux artists, with the exeption of elproducto when he was in in that group on rawkus,(what were they called again?) im also really hype about this wall, its legal right?? im on probation fam i aint tying to get knocked on some out of state stuff.... and gliks, i need to start painting more again myself... staying in is getting old, its just that working out in the cold half the day is draining as a mofo... all i wanna do at night is shower eat peep 12oz get layed sleep... in that order... 40's are stupid, hit a pebble and there fucked... pffffttt... i have some doubles of old cans if your interested in trading... or pm me the list, i am a collector....
  13. not getting involved in this argument, and not directing any kind of dis towards anyone... but having been heavily involved the whole "graff" scene for more than a decade, it is at times annoying, bordering on infuriating to see some young (and at times not so young) people just show up and try to front like "yea im down for the cause this that and the third i know what im talking about, blah blah blah..." when in actuallity they really haavent the slightest idea about a. history b. originality and c. when to take advise (albeit derogitory and possibly insulting) from someone who knows what there talking about... because weve ALL been there at one point in time... people tend to catch feelings rather easily in this scene, you shouldnt... cause whether you realise it or not, criticism either good or bad (or harrassing) is intended to help, even if it seems the opposite... dont take it personal, just take it... think about it... then wiegh your options and act on it.... i dont know, im just on my preaching stee-lows 2nite... like i said this is just a general statement.. take it with a grain... peace yall.......
  14. yo family, get ready... cause the mother fucking EAGLES are for real.... and i hope everybody saw the jets expose the stillers last night... peyton's next on the expose the fraud list....
  15. also clear coat works well to "weatherize" labels somewhat... you just have to use a couple of coats...
  16. ^HIIEEE-OOOO!!!!!! (best ED McMAHON imitation) my cat is 35 pounds.... he would probably eat your pug, he's such a fat ass... the only time he purrs is when he's eating.... :haha: shu-shu is SUCH a cute name tho.. deets, i had that problem before to, maybe gliks could look at your status to see if you were suspended for some odd reason... i painted tonight, it was on this sloping ass hill with all sorts of gravel.. i almost broke my neck 3 times... ill post flicks tommorow... HOLLA!!!!
  17. routed south street tonight, aint been there in a LONG while... saw a bunch of heads: bob, ving, HUGE ass eltoro's.. those are hott, gotta put me down with the large labels homie, and some ill ass nose jawns... threw up every thing i had on me.. no camera tho... ill get back down there this week probably... oh and rojo those are awesome... especially the long ones with the multiple telephones...
  18. when you rock different throws crammed together you can make it look legit on a prodo wall... thats actually a pretty cool/different way to do a production... if wifey rolls she will DEFINATELY want finger sandwhiches gats... :yum: and i think you should open back up the J-LO appreciation thread gliks... that bitch is the TRUTH man.... :rolleyes:
  19. doo doo brown... what were you thinking when you bought THAT record... :haha: me personally... no comment...
  20. yea mindvap, that "save" is me, the one next to it is my wifey "meow"... pinup, does it say paris hilton next to your thing there??? wtf???
  21. thats whats up glik well definitely do the thing if this ever pans out, speaking of, wheres gooch the master mind at 2nite?? i saw he was on, but no updates?? ah well... i gotta go to sleep, working for a living sucks... one last self promo fer the night its an old one... peace my fellow bats.. holla at ya smoka...
  22. yea i really dont know a whole lot about stuff outside the shell i call home (i think its a pre-requisite of philly graff to be sheltered and closed minded... :haha: ) jedi5 is dope too though... yo whos all down for this wall anyway?? me n wifey will definately roll up for a weekend.. HOTEL PARTY..kb style... glik youll have to show me some ny racking spots if we roll up... i heard theres home depots run by str8 hesidic jews that are CAKEWALK...
  23. ill talk to esteme and see if i can get you a "deputy member" badge gliks... :biglaugh: whats up with std or whatever curve and from51 are writing now, you in on the ground level of that???
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