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Everything posted by Cracksmoka

  1. alright im gonna get all "super toy" fer a minute... anyone want to trade?.... and you philly area kids gotta get up in the 12oz passaround books i got going... i was kinda gonna do the cover with stickers...(thats how i do all my books) but you should all rock stuff inside too.....
  2. perro im feelin them new dog and cross bones labels.. and that throw down fdr... destruct did you get my envelope? and i would sell my own mothers soul fr that ferrari... and one of my legs... god i love that car....
  3. scott peterson is a scumbag and im glad hes gettin whats comin to his punk rich whiteboy ass!!! peterson=merked!!! yo gliks whats poppin homey? any werd on the case?
  4. CONGRATS NEKRO!! now dont let drugs alchohol and sexual permisquitey get in your way and your home free!!! j/k... for real though im happy for you, best of luck (im quite sure you wont need it your a bright kid) no probs ww? another 2 weeks and the book will be in your hands, if you dont feel like waitin that long 4 the prismas pm me... damn deto, i never get to parties (partially due to the fact that i hate mostly everyone) but that sounded like a bad news ho-down... and finally 2blazzed, yes it is bad fucking ass to kill people... yes it is...
  5. hey yo, i belong to peta... some of there policies are a bit eccentric but the core principals i believe in... dont say deer are overpopulated when man has done nothing but overexpand AND overdevelop.... hunting is just powerless willess and or overpowered fucks trying to show there inferiority over a creature dubbed "lower" than themselves... on some felling like god type shit... dont give me that "man is a killer by nature" bullshit, this aint the stone age mother fuckers... that shark didnt have to die, they ARE protected (in US waters at least) they can drown without proper circulation.. and catch and release is fine with me, i love fishing... but wtf, you know them dudes aint gonna eat no shark finn soup or have a fuckin great white burger... you just KNOW them dudes had no idea what they were doing when they landed that shark.... sorry yall i just had to rant a lil... why write i got your markers today, im still waiting on the book though... so your just gonna have to wait bro... goose, is that chief brody with your pop and gramps????
  6. did I just read THIS??? thats a great white shark homey.... and that shit is horrible, i think there even fucking protected... catch and release... catch and release... bASSmasters.... flat blacks and ugly sticks... my favorite summer weekend morning combo.....
  7. ME TOO!!! it was kinda tight (and sweaty)with me and 3 other girls jammed in the back of a minivan and all, but the job got done... heheh... rearended...
  8. i totaled my 1 year old cavalier in august, my fault... then i got a new 05, had it for 5 DAYS... smashed... 85 year old guy turns dead in front of me, out of nowhere, for no apparent reason... the eye witness thought i was dying at first cause i was screaming so loud, then when i got out and was cursing they were like, oh my god are you... uhh... then they just kinda backed away cause they saw i was raving mad.... :haha: things will work out though, if you can afford a brand new vw then youll make out alright...
  9. well i have one and so soes deto... but minewill be like a month or so wait, so when its your turn ill let you know, but your on the list gats...
  10. damn, this threads on fire tonight... esteme has that book now whywrite, its gonna be hooked up when you get it... i sent the general one out today... to, KY...
  11. yea pm me well work something out on those prismas... im always open for trades... anyone wanna trade labels or flix while im thinking of it? maybe we could all include some in our sipments of our books and that way they could circulate to all the bats, kinda of an ecrew keepsake... damn i got some dank yesterday, im BLUNTED!!!!
  12. south park deto = awesome!!! do one of me do one of me!! ill draw a really horrible kb comic strip! warning: i have NO artistic ability!!! it has rained EVERY friday night here for the last month... what the fuck...
  13. why write, elmers spray glue in the blue cans... ORANGE COIL (rusto fats) any of the krylon clear cloats or glazes.. NY skinnys, in all honesty you dont really need anything else.... graff tip of the day krylon make it suede- COLOR:sand USE: do tags on concrete pillars dividers walls and this shit blends right in, but let it rain... BAM! your shits drawing like a MUGG! and it avoids the buff!!!
  14. you need somebody merked gliks? i got a BADDD history with witnesses and snitches, wwait let me rephrase that, they got a bad history with me... well whatever good luck, my fists (and my tre-pound) are in your corner a day trip up north aint nuthin fam.... if you need the strong arm just holla... be safe.....
  15. im hype now to write some... and sugar dear i think your mistaken, i didnt ask you about deerfield, it was someone else... and you dont have to refer to me as cracksmoker guy, my name is shawn, shawnsavior... but everyone just calls me crack... C.E.O. of the R.O.C..........
  16. i am down, but only if you get up in my passaround... and give me full credit for having the idea first and make me " most incredibly ingenious and smarmly handsome knightbat of em all" no wait, just get up in my book, this is so dope... idid a knightbats str8letter on the inside cover of the general passaround book that i will be sending to whover requests it ( im not expecting too much from THAT book) but maybe ill be pleasently suprised... anyway im in dets.......
  17. :haha: :haha: :haha: damn, you had me rollin with this one neks.... why write, im serious as cancer fam, the 24 pack is yours... and im getting my homie reno and braze ba in it first, curve already did a lil sumsum (if the bats want in just let me know this is my own personal pass around VIP style...hailer, the bottom left is where its at... gooch that pic is price less.. :haha: pffft you look like steve-o in that flick doggy... :king: im off to work, holla!!!!
  18. why write... dont pay for no prisma colors! i told you ill send you a set for free when i send you the pass around book... i could send you the 12 pack or the 24 jawn, whatever you want... seriously though dont waste your money on them jawns... ill hook a brotha up... shoplifters of the world unite....
  19. fuck workkin in the cold and the rain... im out for the day, more people send me myspace friend requests.... holla.......
  20. http://profiles.myspace.com/users/11312563 i just started one of these stupid things... whats it all about anyway? the whole network thing or whatever, i think its a fucking cult!!!
  21. main st. camden... i know its a stupid spot, i didnt think about it till after the fact... but i was just passin thru, its the main strip though... + i was bored....
  22. damn, i must be the most out of touch, styleless most anti-social loser on the face of the earth then.. i think the nicest clothes i have are a pair of polo jeans and a plain canvas coat from old navy (clearence center at that) all i do is chill with my old lady, paint or come in this god damn place... i dont do the bar thing, i just never cared for it.(also being practically raised in them having a halfway alchoholic father who died drunk driving dosent help) .. i dont chase girls, i could really care less, i mean i didnt even go to my senior prom way back when i was in high school... we went benching fr8s that night (we really did) and when kids in school asked why we werent there we said we were benching fr8s... i even told my teachers that asked, that... god i hated high school...... is it just me? fuck this im going back to being str8 edge... i miss the pent up anger and violent outbursts....
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