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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. NEW, good simples keep it up, it can use tweaking but overall its decent.
  2. ---bouncing soul, shit looks nice! this kid rules every toy in here, BOW DOWN!!!
  3. the big one in the middle looks pretty fresh, i like that style u used
  4. gotta love those transformers in industrial parks in the middle of nowhere... jk just bustin ur balls man, nice handstyle fo real tho
  5. the T needs slight work, the O should be a bit bigger, and the M should be fatter
  6. the last one is wack needs more work, the others are decent
  7. good job morn and freak morn- the R and the N need a lil work cuz they kinda look like a P and another M but it is still tight
  8. freak ur stuff is decent keep it up
  9. that dude must love Aladdin a bit too much....
  10. im not saying ur characters are bad, but lose the characters and just focus on the letters. your letters arent that bad at all, u have decent shit, just focus on the letters cuz the characters distract from the letters. and the C needs work, and yea, i fuckin hate the letter T it sucks ass work on your "e" a lil bit its kinda wack and i dunno i mean it all needs some work but it isnt as bad as most of the """"graf""" in this portopotty
  11. not too bad but u shouldnt overlap the 3D
  12. downright frightening this thread has become listen to the advice ppl give plz
  13. besides the arrow on the "o" and kind of the arrow on the bottom of the "d" ; this shit looks wicked man, good job
  14. i dont like the color scheme that much and the arrows on the left side look shitty but besides that it is pretty tight
  15. Bone, looks good keep practicin
  16. Nerhzul, you need WAAAAYY more arrows man, thats nowhere near enough.
  17. wow... this is getting scary.
  18. yea thanx for the crits but it WAS for an exchange buddy
  19. for an exchange on bombingscience any crits, besides the obvious parts i fucked up on the 3D?
  20. yea, u got the right idea, to start simple. just keep workin on that style and u will clean it up and perfect it on your own dont try adding crazy extensions and arrows for a long time, just keep workin at what u have right there it is a decent start
  21. Knice, looks pretty decent but the "c" is too tiny Week, look alright i suppose but i dont liek the shark
  22. stop the beef. people like this arent even worth a response. the beef just clogs up the thread with garbage. please stop. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  23. RAS, your hand is decent but ur piece needs a bit of work on letter structure also, the spraycan character guy with a mouth has been done a million times i am guilty of this also, lol... FILO, ur shit is pretty decent man, better than most we see on this thread hahaha
  24. this is much better 2 point perspective, learn from this rectone ---- Mime, i dig the characters, especially the wicked lookin butterfly thingys
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