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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. yo if u actually read what i said u would realize that i have never used it... peace.
  2. doesnt look very blended... maybe it scanned weird, that happens to me sometimes... i havent used that prisma blender but my friend used it and said he had trouble making it work anyone got any experience with that?
  3. yo anx your stuff is not bad at all but you need to work on the letter structures your letters get skinnier and fatter in weird places and it makes it look a little off do u know what i mean? u are decent though, keep up the good work
  4. crits= letter structure... esp on the A, but on the whole thing... needs work on structure "who thinks i am toy, cause i agree" ??? whats with all the self-hatred on this thread anyone who is like "yo i am a toy, check this out" is retarded just do your thing fuck this internet shit
  5. :) do that exchange too while u are at it i'll do a final one once u send something
  6. looks fresh just fix the H a lil bit
  7. lolwtfomgzzzzzzzzZZzzzZZzz thiz isz so dopezzzZZzz!!!111!!1!1!
  8. amsone/snope- lookin good as usual anxious/erin- letter structure needed, do simples
  9. damn, learn how to draw a straight line Sone
  10. Mastergfunk- 3D is way fucked up on those
  12. bumpin my request pm me if u want to exchange, i want to practice some other letters. i dont care how toy you are
  13. its not a joke he is just a complete moron CLOSE!
  14. anyone who is actually decent in here want to make an exchange u know who u are pm me
  15. ..............................................................
  16. are u using Photobucket? i dont know what u are using or whatever but... if u scan/upload a pic onto photobucket, u can resize it by clicking edit after that, if u want to save the resized pic, u can just right-click it and save as back onto your computer is that what u meant? peas
  17. once u know what u should do and where u should go with it u will be able to crit yourself and then u wont need to listen to all us jerkoffs (me) hahahaha :) peace of course u can alwasy just go back like 20 pages and figure it out from things that have been said 200 times
  18. ^^^ thats just how much good markers cost man but u dont need to spend that until u are good enough to warrant the cost.....
  19. the only thing i dont like is the middle bar of the S but i do like the symmetry on the J an L and the E is tight. and well... the whole thing is tight but the middle bar on the S seems kinda funky for some reason i dunno why ... thats weird, i cant quote the pic...:huh: -edit- yea ^^^ what that guy above me said is true though
  20. if u are using Photobucket to host your images, there is an option to resize if u click "edit" above your image.
  21. at least u dont cry like a baby trying to defend your horrible suckyness like most people in this thread.... u need to just find a name that isnt completely retarded (supasoka... come on now) and then keep praticing simple straight letters. if u have trouble thinking of a name, dont come on here and be like "yo yo what name should i write" just sit there and draw and draw and draw and draw OVER AND OVER different letters you will eventually be like "hmm dude i like making the letter A a lot, i should use that in my name" you will figure out a name on your own if it is already taken, rearrange the order of the letters to something else rinse repeat and to that OPES homo- DONT NAME BITE even if its only "opes" and not "opus" it doesnt matter dont name bite
  22. ah, i missed a lot of oppotunities over the vacation weekend.......... so i will just say this: THIEF- you fucking suck so horribly it makes me cry, laugh, and shit my pants while throwing up and bleeding from the eyes, all at once. everyone else- .... eh... meh... hexa- looks good man, im still being lazy with that exchange, the X is annoying me u still down for exchanging or what? sorry im takin forever.... peace
  23. u fucking squiggle-dicked schvartzka i came in your moms mouth and made your dad drink it and then i took a shit on your dog
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