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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. for color schemes u can try lookin at a color wheel for ideas i usually pick my outline color first, and try to make it a dark shade so like, if i outline it with a green marker (like a green thin sharpie) then i usually do the fill with different, lighter shades of green, then i color the 3D the same as the outline, and then i try to pick a color for the aura that will contrast well against the greens, like something bright and vibrant
  2. its like that one dude said, its just annoying to say the same thing over and over when u are trying to help people you think they might read back a few pages and be like oh look my drawing looks just as shitty as this guys drawing, what kind of advice did he get etc etc etc no animosity intended anyways okay bye :mad:
  3. you suck really really bad you need to do simple straight letters go back a few pages and read the advice that has been given
  4. yea sorry it is taking me a while, i have been procrastinating because i suck at X's dont worry though, i will do it.
  5. yo did anyone else not able to log in for like 2 days? anx, thanks its looks good i will do yours soon
  6. yo CHOP u want to exchange PM me
  7. cool i will work on it for a bit X's annoy the hell out of me though so it may take me a tad longer hit me up when u are done i would dig seeing it in that cursive style if u feel like it
  8. ill exchange with you. what do you write? anx? -masoe...
  9. word. trust me on this: if you work on simples (however boring u may think it to be, it is not) if u do simples over and over, u will get a HUGE feel for all of your letters, and over time u will come up with ideas on what to do with the letters u arent feelin i havent been doin this shit for that long, but i think longer than u... and i still go back to simples every single day literally... and i do like at least 5 sketches a day... this is what you all should do if u think u want to get better SKETCH !!! OVER AND OVER !!! and do simples OVER and OVER...
  10. PS- still lookin for some exchanges to keep me busy. i got hexa, snope, and rosko that i am workin on right now... anyone else thats semi-decent down to exchange please PM me... peace
  11. its okay for a letter to be slightly behind the letter before it as long as the structure is good and the letter is not hidden so much that u cant see the letter for what it is. i have an O in my name and i try to make it so the inner circle of the O can still be seen but the rest is semi-hidden... not sure if i said that too clearly... the other 3 u posted suck though, like big time bro... keep tryin, work on some simples
  12. ^^^ sam is ok ...as far as your letters you need to listen to the advice that has been said over and over on this thread... and i am not going to repeat it.
  13. ^^^ i agree but a lot of these kids need some basic practice before they start painting... i mean if your shit looks THAT bad, dont be painting it.
  14. yo if u actually read what i said u would realize that i have never used it... peace.
  15. doesnt look very blended... maybe it scanned weird, that happens to me sometimes... i havent used that prisma blender but my friend used it and said he had trouble making it work anyone got any experience with that?
  16. yo anx your stuff is not bad at all but you need to work on the letter structures your letters get skinnier and fatter in weird places and it makes it look a little off do u know what i mean? u are decent though, keep up the good work
  17. crits= letter structure... esp on the A, but on the whole thing... needs work on structure "who thinks i am toy, cause i agree" ??? whats with all the self-hatred on this thread anyone who is like "yo i am a toy, check this out" is retarded just do your thing fuck this internet shit
  18. :) do that exchange too while u are at it i'll do a final one once u send something
  19. looks fresh just fix the H a lil bit
  20. lolwtfomgzzzzzzzzZZzzzZZzz thiz isz so dopezzzZZzz!!!111!!1!1!
  21. amsone/snope- lookin good as usual anxious/erin- letter structure needed, do simples
  22. damn, learn how to draw a straight line Sone
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