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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. thanks dude. yea everyone on this thread always bitches about keeping things simple so i just havent bothered to post the stuff that i draw thats "not simples" cuz i dont feel like listening to ppl bitch. plus i need to work on the simples if i ever want to paint the better shit. i can draw decent on paper but i suck on the walls.
  2. what do u think of this one? too complicated?
  3. hahaha i didnt even notice how the shroom formed a D with the I. i should use that for the DFV shiznit.... right on man, thanks... ... i liked doing the QTITS bit cuz i could always make the Q a funky character thing.
  4. how about that one ^^^ heres some old stuff i used to fuck wit says QTITS the last one still makes me laugh....
  5. what about this one? too much space between the E and the I huh?
  6. thanks zeph, im just sittin here gettin drunk and drawing lol, got nuthin better 2 do, ill keep at it
  7. now the "L" looks like an " i " ... but i shouldnt talk cuz my shit sucks almost as bad as yours, maybe worse, lol
  8. any feedback on anything i posted yet? i know it sucks alreayd, i need advice plz....
  9. the "L" is wak as fuck, make the letters uniform in size, keep practicing.
  10. the E and G are fucked up damnit.... feedback?
  11. yet another... sorry to flood but im bored, need feedback on all this shit
  12. fuct up the "i" big time, oops
  13. got lazy on this one.... still not simple enough right? hahaha
  14. yea i always try to get to creative, or i accidently make my letters unproportional. ah well, practice practice rite
  15. the knife looks like it is floating in his hand, maybe wrap his paw around it?
  16. says GEIN kinda fuct up the 3d on the E and N, oh well
  17. yea i figured i'd get that response, thats what ive been doing i just dont have much scanned yet.
  18. couple more sketches... feedback appreciated...
  19. thanks dude, i didnt notice the edit button oops, too small.... oh well. im a beginner... any feedback?
  20. i dont have photoshop on this computer, does anyone know what else i can use to scale down these scans so they arent gigantic
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