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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. i guess that was my point ...kind of... and dont call me "young one" please, im 23.... i dont mean no beef either... peace
  2. people talk mad shit and nitpick the fuck outta you on Paper Chase, but even the sloppiest pieces ever get props in other threads just cuz they are painted. dont get me wrong, all the advice i have received is very helpful and i appreciate it... ... and im definitely working on my simples for a while before i try to fuck with any crazy shit. im just saying its kind of ridiculous how everything gets nitpicked when its on paper. does anyone get my point or am i just gonna get more shit-talk :spin: :tongue:
  3. ^^^ yo EBA good improvement man. yea, understanding vanishing points is important, lots of people seem to have no clue what a vanishing point is at all.... ..not that great of a piece; but an example of 2 pt perspective nonehteless... (that i already posted earlier):
  4. Shy2, the last couple ones look decent, stay simple and keep practicing that zone, those arent very good, go simple and practice :shakehead:
  5. which one, top or bottom, cuz i didnt like the bottom one either, but i didnt think the top one was that bad...
  6. read what this other dude said higher up on this page. the point of practicing simples is to get your letter structures down, and as u practice u will just learn as u go where to go with it....
  7. the last one was blended but when it scanned it did not show the blend at all...
  8. looks tight dude. keep it up.
  9. does anyone have any advice to give on how i can make my handstyle better cuz its pretty fuckn pathetic ???? anyone?
  10. thanks duder! is the server better or wut is the dif
  11. thats wack... try to make the shapes all even sizes... the "z" is all big but the rest is small, and the "R" is way bigger than the other letters too. it looks kind of unbalanced... keep practicing, stay simple till u perfect the simples.
  12. YO, can anyone suggest what is a better site to upload pics on besides photobucket cuz that shit sucks dick it keeps fucking up, their server is a piece of shit... do any other pic upload sites let u resize photos like photobucket does cuz that kind of helps since i dont have photoshop.......... ......thanks.....
  13. "this looks like a nice piece of shit!" -billy madison seriously though, hows this one look
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