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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. nic, looks good man, nice quick throwie.
  2. **repost** i still like this one no matter what anybody says :p
  3. ^^^^ LOL bose ____ aRG!!! i fuckted it up coloring in the S like a total moron, this thing is ruined!!!! so yea, whats up what do u think? lol:shakehead: :shakehead: :mad: :mad:
  4. the letters arent that bad, but the character is ehh its ok i guess, but u are right the coloring sucks balls bro... to quote all the other people especially lens, ditch the character for now and stick to simple crap. yea its annoying but its pretty true.
  5. wut up yea i forgot what was even said to you earlier just practice a lot dude, and do go all crazy just do simple shit
  6. YO freak, im sure the others will say its not simple enough but i think the top one looks cool
  7. squished down the width of the S a bit in this one... any comments or advice on this before i 3D and finish her up? should i make the O more of a square shape?
  8. ^^ yea looks tight to me
  9. been there done that with blocks, but yea my S is pretty wide... i still need work, i know. yea i didnt realize the whole old account thing, i just saw that u had 5 posts and figured u were just starting. i just assuming when people post in the toy thread that they are new to the whole shit....
  10. lol dude, i know right. it does help the piece to look tighter though. thats just what i keep gettin told on everything i post on here, and when i do it it looks a lot better... once u master the simple shit then u go wacky with it. its kind of frustrating to be nitpicked like that but i dunno, contructive criticism is helpful for everyone. im not tryin to diss u or anything. peace EDIT- sorry didnt see ur edit, damn ur quick... yea on second thought i am gonna change that S a lil bit.... but i like it so too bad for u on changing it completely. also, didnt mean to bust ur balls, dont be sandy
  11. ADER- the top one looks better but letters are still uneven, the last one looks decent to me though... im not really an expert, you need LENS to judge you lol.... and if ur gonna color it at least color it in all the way? ... something ive been workin on for the past couple pages... should i not have brought the 3D out front on the bottom of the S ?? it seemed right at the time but its easily fixed.
  12. 1. dont diss yourself 2. same thing i said to other dude, even out the height of your letters and make it more simple. and lose the weird drops and spirals until u get better at the simples.
  13. good simple but even out the height of the letters, just my suggestion
  14. thanks for the tips man, im gonna work on this more but i wanted to show the unfinished product. sorry i ignored your suggestion for the S... i hate S's like that, they are too common, i like mine better and stuff so... yea.... have a good one HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO PUTO :) :) :eek: :eek:
  15. Jank, well the whole point of the connector is its supposed to kindasorta double as the cross of the A once i evolve the style into a way that it will look good like that, but right now yea its a bit weird but i dig it.
  16. but jaaaank, i like connecting the letters!!!! :( :( :huh:
  17. thats tight Jank.... cool lookin fish thing... yet another variation on my previous sketch and once again, not yet completed... just throwin it up on here to get some feedback... i think im gonna add a 3D on this one but im not sure.... too many arrows? i think they are subtle enough that it works.
  18. unfinished sketch, bit of a variation on the previous one... still need to even it up and flesh it out a bit, but any comments thus far?? figured i'd give the previous idea a bubble type of thing goin on and see how it looked... im about to fix it up more but figured id post and look for suggestions... edit- maybe i should make the center of the O a downward facing arrow, to even out the arrows a bit?
  19. there, i modified it a bit. i like it better now. unfortunately i didnt realize to erase that weird thing on the second leg of the M until after i scanned it... so just kind imagine that thing isnt there.... looks better? or do u think the hole in the O should be in the center? cuz i was thinkin it would look a little weird there.
  20. cool Lens, ill work on that...
  21. ill say it for you lens... STAY SIMPLE.... natz, dude, just go back like 10 pages and then go thru a read all the advice that everyone else keeps getting and then go practice more man....:shakehead:
  22. yo Lens, what u think of that last post i put up, the second pic, not the colored one....
  23. RKS, this is probably going to annoy you... but it needs to be simpler, the letter structure isnt very uniform... dude the E looks like one of those weird moray eel things....:o
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