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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. yes u are probably right, but if he fixed up that trowie a bit it wouldnt be that bad, and around on par with ur stuff. did not mean to offend u. peace.
  2. he just needs to fix the "A" and make the second "S" at the same level as the first one his shit is already better than yours, rect... maybe you need practice
  3. on the bottom one your E and C look the same. the handstyles are disgustingly bad, and you also need to study a color wheel.... but overall its not that bad, keep workin.
  4. the E, P, and N are out of whack... needs slight adjustment... just re-sketch it a bunch of times and you will figure it out. you are better than most on this thread but still need work. edit- oops i meant to quote the post when youa sked what u needed to imporve the last one on
  5. not bad at all amsone, but the last "wildstlye" one needs some work... the rest are decently on par
  6. thanks, a buddy of mine suggested it to me. i like it also.
  7. ignore the bits above it, they are from a different sketch. ...
  8. this is so blantently fake... (edit- the pic he posted didnt show up in the quote, but its fake.) fucking pathetic fuck please go die
  9. yea the thread has gone to fucking complete shit since then, so you know.
  10. maybe you should write "landskaype arkitek" or "byldng arkitek" instead. u need to specify these types of things.
  11. ^^^^ older shit i posted... example of what u should be working on. i know its boring but you REALLY need this. an yea im still toy i dont front just tryin to help.
  12. practice more simple letters before you post more. no offense but no one wants to see this shit. please go back a few pages and read the shitload of advice that is in this thread. u need to stay simple, do block letters over and over. keep practicing them. dont post ten million of your crappy pictures because it is just going to annoy people and no one will want to help you. do simple block letters over and over and over and OVER. PLEASE! read thru this thread to understand why this is important. no one will want to help you if u continue to be incompetent. again, i dont intend to offend u, so dont get all pissy.... :shakehead: :shakehead:
  13. bumping these for crits.... also, listen to spade, he is right. and dont make your username the same as the name u write, and be smart about it because pigs DO watch this site. anywys.... any crits on my latest
  14. why dont u just write whatever u want until u figure out a good style and what letters you prefer. once u get better and start to understand the letter structures of each letter, you will realize which letters u prefer and which you can make flow together best. the name will come to you on its own if u just practice for a bit, it took me a lil while to figure out a name to write.
  15. some newer shits from meself :o
  16. BUMP.. but... sadly this has been said over and over in this thread and it will do no good, because no one will listen, they will all jsut continue to suck ...... :)
  17. ... ... .....................................:huh:
  18. second to last one is ok edit- dude why quote it when u post right under it
  19. NEW, good simples keep it up, it can use tweaking but overall its decent.
  20. ---bouncing soul, shit looks nice! this kid rules every toy in here, BOW DOWN!!!
  21. the big one in the middle looks pretty fresh, i like that style u used
  22. gotta love those transformers in industrial parks in the middle of nowhere... jk just bustin ur balls man, nice handstyle fo real tho
  23. the T needs slight work, the O should be a bit bigger, and the M should be fatter
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