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Everything posted by bustanut

  1. Wow RIP man loved his stories.
  2. lords of Salem torrent if anyone is interested i thought it was ok could have been better http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/8403830/The_Lords_Of_Salem_2012_DVDRip_X264_AC3_5_1_-_Neuton
  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/26/nyregion/gilberto-valle-accused-in-plot-to-kidnap-women-and-cook-them.html
  4. Check the full story if this one guy's recent Stop-And-Frisk http://www.thenation.com/article/170413/stopped-and-frisked-being-fking-mutt-video On June 3, 2011, three plainclothes New York City Police officers stopped a Harlem teenager named Alvin and two of the officers questioned and frisked him while the third remained in their unmarked car. Alvin secretly captured the interaction on his cell phone, and the resulting audio is one of the only known recordings of stop-and-frisk in action. In the course of the two-minute recording, the officers give no legally valid reason for the stop, use racially charged language and threaten Alvin with violence. Early in the stop, one of the officers asks, “You want me to smack you?” When Alvin asks why he is being threatened with arrest, the other officer responds, “For being a fucking mutt.” Later in the stop, while holding Alvin’s arm behind his back, the first officer says, “Dude, I’m gonna break your fuckin’ arm, then I’m gonna punch you in the fuckin’ face.”
  5. "and roller type thing with spikes on it to use on your balls."
  6. "About a year ago, Violentacrez's teenage son did his own Ask Me Anything thread. His son uses the handle Spawn_of_VA and he is dad's biggest fan. Interspersed among talk of family game night, Spawn_of_VA regaled readers with more weird tidbits about his father, including the fact that he has a "suitcase full of dildos in his closet" and a "roller type thing with spikes on it, he uses that to roll on his balls." there you go john
  7. your missing out man its a good read about a creepy fucker
  8. Gawker.com has done a story on the person behind Reddit's "Violentacrez.It's quite the read.My sympathy meter is not registering any sign of activity in this case. Fuck that guy, and his weird pedophilic bullshit and rationalizations. http://gawker.com/5950981/unmasking-reddits-violentacrez-the-biggest-troll-on-the-web well this didn't take long Fired. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/15/michael-brutsch-reddits-biggest-loses-job-identity-gawker_n_1967727.html
  9. http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/dogs-high-pot-colorado-article-1.1172922 Pooches getting high on pot is an increasing problem in states like Colorado, where medical marijuana is legal. Veterinarians say what used to be a rare problem is becoming alarmingly more common — and the results can be deadly. “There are huge spikes in the frequency of marijuana ingestion [among pets] in places where it’s become legal,” veterinarian Dr. Debbie Van Pelt told CBS 4 in Denver. When dogs get into their owner’s stash, they can get sick, staggering and vomiting. “They basically [lose] a lot of their fine motor control, they have a wide-based stance and they are not sure on their feet,” said Pelt, who works at the Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Hospital in Englewood, Colo. Dogs most commonly get stoned by eating their owner’s pot-enhanced foods. Dr. Stacy Meola, a veterinarian at Colorado’s Wheat Ridge Clinic said she saw two dogs die when they got into baked goods made with marijuana butter, commonly sold at dispensaries. Marijuana-enhanced baked goods can be a danger to pets. “[Marijuana] needs to be treated like any other drug,” Meola told CBS 4. “If you came home with a prescription of Vicodin from your doctor, you wouldn’t just leave it sitting there.” The number of dogs that have gotten sick from marijuana has quadrupled in Colorado since the state legalized marijuana in 2000, according to a study by Meola. While most dogs that ingest marijuana are back to normal within 24 hours of treatment, vets urge pet owners to keep the drug at a safe distance from animals.
  10. yeah he is pretty much getting a slap on the wrist http://reason.com/24-7/2012/10/05/officer-charged-for-beating-drunk-man-in
  11. sorry if this was posted already best part is when the cop threatens the female staff member http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b15bMG5zvsU Duluth, Minnesota Police Officer Richard Jouppi has been charged with assault after a surveillance video (below) showed him hitting a drunk 50-year-old man, Anthony Jon Jackson, in a wheelchair. The Duluth News Tribune reports that Officer Jouppi has been placed on paid administrative leave while an independent prosecutor investigates the Sept. 21 incident. Officer Jouppi and his partner arrested Jackson, who had allegedly been in two fights at his apartment complex, earlier that night. Police said Jackson is able to walk, but was in the wheelchair when officers arrived. The video shows Jackson asked by a female police staff member to remove his leather jacket. Jackson stands up and asks her, "Would you like me to throw it at you?" The female staff member says: "Throw it at me, see what happens." Jackson sits down and starts removing the jacket with help from Officer Jouppi. Moments later, Jackson grabs at Officer Jouppi's face, who punches Jackson five times. When the female staff member steps toward Jackson, Officer Jouppi tells her: "Shut up, back up, or I'll arrest you, too. You don't think people in a wheelchair can assault people? Turns out he just did." Officer Jouppi already has five complaints on his personnel record, according to WDIO-TV. The charges against Jackson were dropped.
  12. Good looking husk always on point
  13. Also Did anyone notice that Walt wasn't wearing his wedding ring in the beginning of the episode
  14. So it turns out that the leaked scripts were bullshit A AMC rep has denounced the script as fake and even heard rumors that Aaron Paul himself has made direct Twitter messages identifying the script as such http://screencrush.com/breaking-bad-season-5-leak/
  15. you know your full of shit just admit it anyone can find the leaked scripts online and pretend like they have watched them
  16. Here's RockTheCasbah facebook and myspace https://www.facebook.com/aarongombar http://www.myspace.com/famousaaron
  17. Aaron Gombar is a chump and he is full of shit
  18. Yeah RocktheCashah is totally full of shit all he was doing was posting the script leaks anyone can find those http://redsharkinteractive.com/trkdlx17/nejtcnuk723/page3.html what a fucking jackass
  19. Bryan Cranston Becomes Walter White
  20. dental plan lisa needs braces dental plan lisa needs braces dental plan lisa needs braces
  21. I think the two red head twins are creepy as fuck
  22. Anyone check this ish out? There are nods to many hooror films in this show. It's fun to pick them out.
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