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Everything posted by mn1_fuckos

  1. false the person below me only had 2 hours of sleep
  2. haha i took a flick of my boy half asleep once and a friend of mine called me creepy i told them if you seem me walk into a room with a camera, your fair game!
  3. you should have just moved him a little to your left, still a dope flicks though i like the way this page is turning out. Keep up the good work
  4. shot with a holga with some ilford fp4 125 film and i recently bought a twin lens reflex camera so i have more film shot to come
  5. god damn rich mutha! haha nice how much was that?
  6. Ive been shooting a holga that i borrowed from school with 120 film. super psyched at what the final product will look like. Do you guys have access to a darkroom? too broke for an iphone for now but ill probably get one in the coming months.
  7. try shooting at a wider aperature maybe 5.6. i
  8. Oh Snap im still pissed you didnt see ronnie woo woo out there, it would have been awesome if you kicked him in the sack! FILM PEOPLE! Im tryin to start shooting film any recommendations? i borrowed a holga from school and popped some ilford 120 in it. im gonna shoot it tomorrow and hope for the best.
  9. man pesk your marker blends are fuckin incredible
  10. Some more studio work. i wanted to get creative shooting the cameras i have owned over the last 5 years and it turned into a bigger deal then i expected. I thought it was going to be just set up and shoot and by the time i knew it i had a pretty decent sized production going on
  11. false the person below me is hurtin for a squirtin
  12. tried lookin for a video with english subtitles but i couldnt find one. I think you would have to buy it or look for a torrent
  13. false dont eat fish the person below me has a chipped tooth
  14. Jbrsh my second shot and your 4th shot look too damn similar!
  15. product shots we do with a 4x5 cambo view camera and a phase one digital back.
  16. ghetto ass chameleon paint! bump the caprice though
  17. been shooting in the studio alot over the last couple weeks. Its really challenging since im not that great with setting up lights n shit. Here's one of our homework assignments product lighting. this was my second attempt at this assignment. although i had already nailed the first one i decided to re-shoot it using a prop this time.
  18. so my sis just got a laptop and she wanted me to child proof the internet since her kids grown enough to wanna see tits haha do you guys have any recommendations
  19. false??? the person below me understood what that nigga said
  20. true the person below me ate a burger and fries today
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