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smooth bruce

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Everything posted by smooth bruce

  1. No that is not covered by international law and I think we can all agree, at least if one wants a leg to stand on in any argument concerning it, that terrorism (specifically the killing of innocent people) is never permissible in any situation ever. The law, to my knowledge, also doesn't cover Muslim men from other nations going to Iraq to kill foreign troops. Although given that the invasion and occupation is pretty much the highest level of terrorism that there is whether its strictly unethical to go there to help Iraqis defend their land is up for debate. However there is absolutely no debate over whether the people of Iraq are allowed to kill foreign troops, it is printed in black and white and it is a very basic and easy to understand concept of human rights. But for out slow friend 666 lets just switch it up with the most child like opposite to help him grasp it + Greenland and New Zealand start to carpet bomb, err I mean tactically strike, the US homeland. + They then go on to occupy it for several years and the death toll of the domestic population climbs + I come on 12oz and say 'Americans have every right, ethically and by law, to kill foreign troops including soldiers of the New Zealand and Greenland armies' + 666 comes along and says 'uR a dA faGiT idDIot!' ...Yeah I am pretty fucking sure that last dot point wouldn't occur... chances are that our friend 666 would be fighting for the liberation of his beloved country and not on the internet, must be something about being the victim of terrorism that dissolves hypocrisy
  2. I would put money on being more than likely half a dozen years older than you with a lot more education, and more importantly for this place, trains under my belt, 'kid'. What am I missing here? I have pointed out that both ethically and legally Iraqi people are free to defend their land and kill US troops and you came along and had a cry. Yes international law clearly stipulates the defense of a nation, by it's people, from foreign invasion and occupation. Which pretty much sums up your stupidity and lack of understanding. Where did I say everyone should kill the US baby slaughtering machine? Oh whoops I didn't. Secondly a poll taken back in 05 or 06 showed that in fact the majority of new recruits into the US army and being sent to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan were not the oppressed minorities but middle class white kids. Like I said little guy, I would recommend a course or book but you seem to have difficulty just grasping the concept, as is evident with the line about baby killers. Yet you responded twice and lost twice
  3. That one ^ If you are strapped for cash... http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/anarchist_archives/bright/berkman/comanarchism/whatis_toc.html And this isn't a book but I read it this week and it was interesting http://www.struggle.ws/rbr/rbr6/bakunin.html For stuff a little less heavy and a good introduction to the subject do a youtube search for chomsky - government of/in the future
  4. The iraqi people have every right to kill foreign troops in their country, including the majority of them which are US soldiers. Morally, ethically and under EVERY INTERNATIONAL LAW IN EXISTENCE YOU FUCKING DUMB CUNT the Iraqi people are free to kill foreign troops. Don't cry to me because you're stupid fucking brother or cousin is a US marine. I would suggest a course in basic international affairs... or maybe even a book but I don't need to because most of the international laws are spelled out clearly in black and white on shit like Wikipedia, "idiot". Calling the MEK 'communist' is almost the biggest stretch of the imagination for this thread. As for the list I would appreciate more detail. The Kurds is a given as they pretty much get stiffed by everyone. I finished (again) college a few years ago but seeing as I would rather be a rude cunt than carry out a polite discourse because the internet is meaningless and you seem to be issuing a dick measuring contest I finished the second time round with an MA, and you?
  5. How is Iran the biggest threat to anyone? You are laughing at the ridiculousness of FOX news while still parroting the the position of the state. Show me who Iran have attacked recently Show me the land Iran occupy that isn't theirs Show me their near countless hundreds of nuclear missles Ooops sorry I went off on a tangent there looking at this map of Israel Iran is a fucking shithole, it is one of the most repressive and near totalitarian societies on the planet. It treats its people like shit and in particular its women, workers and basically anyone with a 20th century plus idea of basic morality and its run by a bunch of religious fuckwads... But it is not a threat to the US, it is not a threat to any of its neighbours, it is not a threat to you and it is not a threat to me. The only people Iran is a threat to are its own people, who should be supported (NOT by funding insurrectionist terrorism) by other free peoples of the world. NOT by the US government whose track record of "supporting" a countries people reads like a how to of mass murder and blatant terrorism. The only people who can change the Iranian system of government are the Iranian people.
  6. because they haven't been hypocritical for about the last ten decades already...
  7. Because it worked so well for Iran the first time..... and Iraq...... and Nicaragua..... and etc x 50. And as a side note is a gross act of international terrorism in itself. Iraqi people have every right to kill American soldiers in Baghdad Hahaha communist groups!? Fund a revolution for democracy? Are you joking? 1. You have been funding revolutions for democracy for about 100 years, its one of the reasons no body likes your country 2. Communist group? Please show me them
  8. To be a principled anarchist you actually have to read and understand shit written in 1880+ and self educated writers are few and far between. Further more if you take any but a step back into regular socialism than you probably weren't an anarchist to begin with
  9. Alex Jones - For people who are too stupid to read an academic paper and need their 'dissident' propaganda accompanied by scary music to disguise the lack of factual evidence.
  10. haha thats mad I will be sure to keep it in mind... :spent: :bawling: :beat: :shook: :crying: :beat2: :spent2: :cry2: :sadcrying: :spent3: :biglaugh:
  11. No, drugs have killed a lot more people. Its estimated that from 2005 to 2020 U.S cigarettes will kill around 50 million people in China alone.
  12. Goodluck to the Myanmar people
  13. Haha what are you trying to do here? You have the first pier with a one colour fill illegal spot and you try to compare this to FOUR of your full colour day spot pieces. :zombie: The one illegal highway spot you post is relatively the same quality :zombie: Go to all that effort and only rock a top to bottom? three more cans for background and you could have a freight-"whole car" :zombie: and 'tbk' as a crew name? :lol: Not really impressed if you came in thinking you were going to pull some cards
  14. Paint a popular day spot and what do you expect? Keeping it real enough to not have your pieces posted on 12oz but not so real that you don't monitor your cities thread to bitch when they are? For the cunts who asked I will keep it in mind when stealing flicks... which they all are... The following are also stolen...
  15. Police charged 7 people with rail graffiti Police have charged seven people over a series of graffiti attacks along the Fremantle train line and in the western suburbs of Perth. Officers executed search warrants at houses in West Perth, Subiaco, Leederville, Floreat Park and Nedlands yesterday and seized more than one thousand items. The property included spray cans, bolt cutters, pepper spray, computers, mobile phones and cameras. Two juveniles and five adults will appear in court next week charged with a total of 75 offences.
  16. Did they end up airing this? They advertised it being "this week" on the monday and tuesday, then they stopped running any ads for it, and Im pretty sure I watched both today tonight and ACA from the mon-fri and didn't see it.
  17. You suffer from what the rest of us call fucking blindness
  18. If you last couple of cunts are going to self promote at least resize the flick
  19. It isn't bitching when it's a valid piece of social commentary you fucking turds. If a little dickhead is writing 'sofles' or 'shime' and a cunt does a verbal shake of the head on the internet about that, exactly as has been done, I doubt you would be pulling out the 'bitching' card. Ironically however you have TURNED IT INTO BITCHING by saying stupid fucking things and making me reply by calling you idiots. Congrats now it is bitching on the internet... idiots.
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