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smooth bruce

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Everything posted by smooth bruce

  1. Rich whities didn't want the chain of the old kingdom around their neck anymore so they convinced the poor whities to fight. How fighting in rags is an index of anything I don't know but then again I'm not a fucking idiot ranting and crying while trying to touch Ron Jesus Paul's testicles.
  2. Wah wah wah let the tears hit the floor little guy. Orly? Keep the tears flowing. Dry those eyes little fella.
  3. Because when you do you are rewarded with machetes and hollow points payed for and supplied by uncle Sam or did you miss that little thing most of us call 1950 through to 2000? Seems like a yes. Yeah the illegal immigrants are destroying the country! If only we could live in a Ron Paul paradise where the 2% of the nation that control almost everything already could control... absolutely everything. So except for the US and the Mexican elite - what an easy obstacle to redesign! Don't come here to feed your children stupid Mexicans just attempt to redevelop your society and cross your fingers about things that are unlikely to happen like mass capital flight and AR-15s pointed at your head.
  4. Actually that is pretty close to reality so the sarcasm isn't needed.
  5. That silly little piece of paper written by and for rich whities? Too bad the reality is the military are used to crush peasants but I guess in some people's eyes that is defending the country.
  6. Yeah the immigrants are the reason the country is bankrupt - another Ron Paul gem? I'm sure even he doesn't adhere to that stupidity.
  7. Thanks for letting us know Ron Paul's stance on this issue!
  8. Oh no illegal immigrants! Those dirty brown people from the South whose economies and societies you have relentless destroyed for several decades! They are trying to get in so that they might feed their children whoops I mean rape American women.
  9. Yeah I don't know - 12oz shit talker VS Simpson themed commuter end to end what wins? :lol:
  10. Whoa datz hell true yiu titally got me!
  11. Whats happening here this week? You know youre an art fag when you share a gallery show with Ron English, Fairey AND BANKSY and they all have more street credit than you. Apart from that the usual array of crap styles and shit flicks.
  12. There are a whole bunch. There isn't a free market and there never has been in the West. If you want to find an actual free market go to somewhere like Mali or Nigeria.
  13. I almost thought this was going to be a thread about people that are 30something, haven't painted in a decade, don't understand basic economics, spend too much time in crossfire, etc.
  14. Who fucking cares about three old cunts and their stupid 20 year old argument? This thread is for appreciating active writers crushing global systems. Take your 'we did fifty whole cars and had a bbq in the yard at the same time - graffiti king has been bullshit' somewhere else. Like the dozens of blogs and graff news sites it is already on - complete with shocking spelling and grammar.
  15. The thread itself not your photos.
  16. Damn this shit is weak. French SDK is all that matters.
  17. A page with a stomper and a local on foreign rolling stock and still 20 cunts manage to bitch about their insignificant crews. The self advertiser with no style shows us what he did three hours ago. A guy who has his password all in capslock and fights for a living because he sure as fuck doesn't spell very often. Thats this month in review. Peace Out!
  18. Fuck yeah just came in to see if any of the Athens boys had been taking advantage of the latest fire shit storm over there.
  19. I'd be shockingly amazed if any of those names even made the top 100 list of a police database.
  20. Anyone seen the full colour top to bottom end to end burner wholecar done in '68 by High5 at the spot where ppl paint, it kinda reminded of the old jose154 door to door window down silver piece where the second outline digs down to the bottom, nothing all that special but good enough for me to brag about having seen while finding an excuse to use graffiti slang and also dropping some 1970s NYC knowledge which all comes together nicely to give the impression of cool old school graffiti writer. :lol: P.S. The wasnt and daek are shit but good luck to the 20 people practicing the dick riding.
  21. Clouded Thoughts are running some kind of toy spotlight segment starting with Perth?
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