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Chief Wiggum

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Everything posted by Chief Wiggum

  1. note the add and adress on that picture above : 127 street of miracles... wow now i don t really like CNN , but peep this video about looters http://cnn.com/video/?/video/bestoftv/2010/01/19/ac.looting.haiti.cnn
  2. fini les niaiseries this video was in 2004 against boston in the playoffs
  3. allez les fillettes écoutez moi ça http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEwdaF3mvZc
  4. Wild Style - Double Trouble http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwiv9gx0Ios&feature=related
  5. Grandmaster Flash & Furious Five---I'ts Nasty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioI6PBpM1QE&feature=related
  6. Grandmaster Flash & The furious Five - "New York" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmg7FQkjIQ4
  7. Nas & NTM - Affirmative Action (Saint-Denis Style Remix) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfITiXXqYOI
  8. Speciale dedicace a Guy, king des Kings
  9. zeitgeist! we will all finish with a chip inside us! LEs illuminatis nous controllent! But We do it Reptiliens style! on est les Franc Maçons du graff, t'entends?
  10. Re: Whats up with New Jersey?! in France and europe they have Techtonik. Crossing fingers that it wont spread over here.
  11. je me disais qu'il manquait justement de graff sur ce spot-là
  12. a million $ industry?? no way. making a dvd or a good mag/book is hard work, and im pretty sure no one is rich by creating them.
  13. real oldschool montreal flix:)
  14. its becomiong a self promo thread..:( and some users here dont know the definition a burner.
  15. a wal mart???? why do you want to live near a wal mart anyway?? i dont think there is one in montreal, at least in the center.
  16. two styles verry different from each others
  17. great photos if you could try to take some everyday life photo as well, people, children, landscape, life in the favelas... that would be great too.
  18. 3 first flicks are from 1900-1904 well i dont think we ll go far this year in the playoffs, but at least we ll be in the series. the team isnt that great since few years. still the best team ever!;)
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