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Everything posted by southernnnnn

  1. Thanks i looked it up, it went for $58.00 plus shipping!
  2. that zink copycat is one the funniest things i have even seen on 12.
  3. ihateu i know that you monitor ebay. do you know how much the last guernsey guide went for?
  4. wyse crae phone the savage and stak
  5. smash them everytime they are around. ones done the dirtysouth have been benched by a homie visiting southern mexico. if you dont want them send them my way!
  6. wyse and sigh, dam homie i thought you slowed down. hahaha
  7. it just a matter of time before the rest of the K's heads up there. Big Bump Yeah and Stori holding it down.
  8. does anyone know if the quik seen ces books all have the same pages inside. because i know that there is three different covers.
  9. homie should just take it as a lesson. Because if you touch AEST's stuff then you got a whole lot of other heads to deal with.
  10. my homies have also hit 2 of them, i wonder if they are going to be a quick buff like the cryos or ride hard like the armns?
  11. one of a few cars left on the list, just a matter of time. are they a recyled reefer or are they a virgin ride?
  12. sigh aest dime and wh99 by heist.
  13. you hit a homerun with that line you said about blowing up yards= TOY mentality. we can all agree that tagging all the walls and leaving all your cans at the layups is also TOY. where i loose you is when you bump msg and buck50 fools that have done the exact same things to spots downsouth. i guess 2 out of 3 aint bad?
  14. We Heavy like a chevy KeepBringingThem..lyes phone dz brizo funk helm aest ghouly rumor wyze drizel ridle nero rip alot17 and on and on.....
  15. zink amos lyes twice... a good and oldie from 99
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