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Everything posted by slipone

  1. there was a step by step on making a pvc marker on here.
  2. hahah or when someone has to take a shitter and they sit down and your scribe pokes them in the ass. Scribing is fun but its just too loud. Im talkin about when your actually using a scriber.
  3. im guessing this person is not from the US and Bad Larrys is like saying "I got these bad boys..." you get what im trying to say?
  4. this kid said there were pictures of naked bitches, pund upon pouns of ink and old school paint there and all he took were some markal streakers?! Someone put this kid in check please. OR at least tell me why you didnt take anything else?!!!!
  5. Million Dollar Vandal...i recomend this book. Just got it and its a dope read.
  6. in an Oink mini mop? Thanks though for the info. Yeah i think im gona buy it, got the extra cash so ill proally buy 2-3 bottles then sell one for like $35+. haha Oh yeah how does it stand up to the outside weather?
  7. Hmmm so a daybombing type of ink? hahah coo whatd you put the ink in? a mop or a marker? any smell? whats the info on this ink? or like what are your comments about it?
  8. ight fsho. about how much did u have to pay?
  9. fsho, PM it to me if you can please. or just post it on here. whatever floats your boat. haha
  10. Wait so if i order off their ebay site i should be able to get me a bottle of stealth ink? has anyone FROM the US ordered using the ebay? Androidx are you from the US?
  11. to SERS: I think ill just ask them if i can have it for free then walk out with it. If they say no ill just take more anyways becuase the store is a shoe store and they fucked up my friends SB RayGuns. anyways...someone wanna order that Stealth ink and let me know if they get it to you? preferabbly someone that lives in the US so i know if i can order.
  12. and my teachers used to ask me when did we start huffing markers....it all started in preschool. haha Found a store near by that sells. Lincon leather dye in navy blue, black and orange for $7.99 gona drop by and ask if i can get em for free tomarro. OH yeah they sold Febbins or how ever u spell it too.
  13. slipone


    yes prismas are refilliable
  14. Anyone try out the Junobo purple on BS? if you have a bottle can you take a pic of the paint...like draw a line or something then take a pic of it. i wanna see how dark or light it is.
  15. Personally im more of a Black and silver type of writer. but since there arent many good refill silvers for my mops, ive been using the New Black from Junobo. Anyways, refilled my mop today and for some reason the ink kept on spilling out. And its a fuckin Oink mini mop. this was my first fuck up oink mop. Gona sell it to some kid on the street for $7 and get me a new one. haha my 2cents.
  16. nothing, i just walked through them but they did try to stare me down while i was walkin. Fuckin new jacks making all the michaels heat. but its ok cuz now i know how some of the undercovers look like.
  17. I was at michaels recently, just looking around minding my own buisness and out of no were over the intercom go " SECURITY TO THE SOUTH SECTION, SECURITY TO THE SOUTH SECTION" so i decide to stay and see what happens and before i knew it 3 undercovers surrounded me.... and i was just looking around this time.
  18. slipone


    im guessing photoshop...
  19. slipone


    thats pretty cool. wanna write my name in another style? Ill do a handstyle exchange with you if you want.
  20. slipone


    why not...wanna do a SLIP?
  21. please use the search button usingpublicfunds...
  22. Re: Don't Call it Frisco I herd MOE-LESTER was chinese. hahaha
  23. The clothing industry is really amazing me now a days. Who made that Bandana? All these bandans remind me of Hells Angels bikers roaming around the streets with their skull bandanas on.
  24. Dixon Triconderoga pencils are the shit...i love em.
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