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Everything posted by jazztechno

  1. whats with these chinamen always crashing their scooters into trucks?
  2. Missed it. It was cloudy and snowing in Chicago. Fuck da moon and everyone who lives there.
  3. I Say Jerome In The House! I Say Jerome In The How Ooh Ahh Oww In Ya Mouf!!!
  4. jazztechno


    You don't know about Oolong the rabbit? Cmon son.
  5. jazztechno


    Maru is the shit so was this lil nigga
  6. ^^ that shit is infuriating like a motherfucker^^ FUCK DA PO-LEESE.
  7. Here's a video of dudes beatin the fuck outta someone, taken from the kid's cellphone. NSFW! http://theync.com/media.php?name=19062-shocking NSFW!
  8. Owl Attack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt7toFy-9T4&feature=grec_browse
  9. it also won't be hard to find the guys vomiting uncontrollably after they flush the terlit.
  10. My party trick is shitting in the top of the toilet where the clean water is. :D
  11. Tuesday, November 16, 2010, Chicago, Ill. – Phusion Projects today announced the company’s intent to reformulate its products to REMOVE CAFFEINE, GUARANA and TAURINE nationwide, saying it has taken the necessary steps to do so and is informing its employees and distributors of the plans. Going forward, Phusion will produce only NON-CAFFEINATED versions of Four Loko. BOOOOO!! Fuck that, i'm finna go back to drinkin' Uncle Jemima's mash liquor http://www.banthis.com/videos/2003/
  12. Skateistan: To Live and Skate in Kabul http://vimeo.com/15841377
  13. drank some four lokos with vodker a few nights ago, it had me shitting, pissing, and vomiting simultaneously an hour before i had to get up for work. good times
  14. Re: Great Pictures~ macing a guy with crutches? cmon son.
  15. i thought it was ay free sehm fah free sehm oh
  16. that shit looks comfy as fuck
  17. I can't believe Dave Lampert pussed out again.
  18. The best of Stuttering John interviews
  19. Don't you make me break my foot off in yo ass!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SgrD1xzHYY now go outside with the hose and blow the stank off ya!
  20. Fuck yeah, i've been listening to a lot of old shows lately, Artie has me rollin' more than anyone. I hope whatever treatment or therapy he's in doesn't make him all sensitive and unfunny.
  21. TITS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-FTmLYwdEw&feature=related
  22. Funny and fucked up at the same time Your First http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/2372c84c00/growing-up
  23. Re: Great Pictures~ Da fucks goin on here? He's not about to get rocks thrown at his ass is he?
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