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Everything posted by Mellow

  1. bump that kuma! ridl too nice catches
  2. Re: American WholeCar thread...
  3. part space owl epik harsh massholes
  4. Re: American WholeCar thread... a sever I spotted a few months back
  5. Mellow


    some ich freights that Ive benched in the past... and an old wall
  6. nekst roller mass pike num num again
  7. <a href=" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/71/223179292_107c3f4e13.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Epik" /></a>
  8. yup and i also wanted to mention that it takes years to become a USA citizen
  9. you must feel really big having all those guns! wow your so cool! its true that people with guns and hummers actually have lower confidence and smaller dicks.....
  10. without immigrents our economy would be FUCKED and without them noone would do the drity work we take all for granted. If they brake the law thats a different story but most of them come into our country and go back in a matter of months, they just need money to support their family and if they dont get it soon then people in their family die. and why do people say we are "AMERICA" we are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, america includes central and south america.
  11. my friend was literally an inch from being fucking crushed by a freight once and I saw it all it was fucking crazy scary
  12. Re: American WholeCar thread...
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