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Posts posted by terrorlicious

  1. Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


    Also it's worth noting that whilst there's like 12 members in Ch0 right now, there's also 340 guests. Speculative to say but i'd imagine a fair amount of those will be people who have or have had log in problems and have maybe given up on trying to get into their accounts and just come to take a peak at threads like the documentary thread, tattoo thread, various music threads, etc. I don't think 12oz is dead, but it certainly isn't what it used to be that's for sure.

  2. Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


    I suppose the only way to turn it around is to try to post more invigorating content, in the hope that heads new and old will engage and perhaps then we'll see a steady increase to people using 12oz like it used to be used. I do think the blog played a big part though, alot of things that usually would have a thread got/get posted and it sort of cancelled out the creation of threads on such topics where alot of discussion about current events, etc would happen.


    And i only left because i got locked out of my account, it's only over the last couple months that it's started letting me log in again.

  3. Ah the much simpler days of 2006, when i could jump staight to the forum and be logged in, and when huge banners with autoplaying videos telling me to drink Dr Pepper (which have disapeared again, which i'm pretty happy about) weren't crotch thrusting into my screen real estate, and of course no god damned complex media bar...


    06 reppin'.

  4. Went to college for art and graphic design, dropped out after a year and got a job as a graphic designer off of my portfolio. Head graphic left after a year, so i became head graphic and ran the graphics department.


    Still with the increase in responsibility and stress i was on pretty shit money, figured a degree was what i needed to get higher up in the industry, so went to university and again my portfolio got me in over my qualifications. Did a year, hated it. Just couldn't get with the whole school thing again after working professionally in what i was studying. Teachers were bitter old failures and classmates were (mostly, save a few people with real talent) hipster dicks. So i left and now i'm working freelance.


    The way i see it, if your portfolio is good and you've got some solid experience and handle job interviews well, you can get in wherever you want to fit in and work you way up.


    Also whoever said it before, don't stop learning. if you need to be good at illustrator/photoshop/flash/coding/whatever then look online and put some time into getting your shit dialled. The internet can teach you pretty much anything these days.

  5. had one out, no gas just a shot in roof of my mouth,(no homo)

    it got pretty gnarly, the dentist broke his "number 5"s trying to remove it and took dude like 20 mins to get it out, quite alot of blood but i couldn't feel a thing.


    bout 5 hours later it felt like kimbo slice hit me in the face with a mallet. after i got on the codeine train though everything was bearable. kept bleeding for like 4 days and i couldn't eat for like a week but i didn't care much as i was high as fuck.

  6. id rock a 12oz fitted, or a 12oz tee.

    theres enough creative minds on the site to get it on and poppin.


    12oz cigarette lighters?


    just put daos mugshot on a tee, shit would sell millions.


    actually just put it on everything, and watch the dollars roll in. ha.

  7. Soup you ruddy legend! i've been looking for that latest flylo joint everywhere.


    i'd prop but "you must spread your legs before giving reputation to Soup again" type ish stopped me in my tracks.


    i'm too lazy to check all the youtube links already posted but his Dilla rework/tribute thing "Fall In Love" is pretty sick.

  8. jesus christ, that sounds pretty nasty dude.


    hope all goes well.


    but yeah you should def try to get someone to get flicks while you're mouth is all opened up predator style. that'd be pretty gnarly.

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