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Posts posted by terrorlicious

  1. Re: a tranny gave me a blowjob last night


    i go away for one weekend, come back and theres a 30 page thread about dude letting a ladyboy shine his helmet. hahaha.


    ladyboy is prolly gonna beat his meat thinking about that stolen moment, hahaha, mad gay. next level crackden antics gay.


    makes for a pretty damn good thread though.

  2. back in the day i was imvincable, hit the floor and bounce up like "i aint goin home until ive nailed it"


    now, i hit the floor and i limp like a fuckin cripple for like 5 days.


    damn beer, partying, work and womens... shits stealing my youth haha.


    im determined to get kickflip nose manny steez back for summer, relearning tricks is a bitch. to be honest though these days just cruising in the sun through town at speed flexing ollies up curbs and powersliding feels just as good as any of the more tech shit i used to spend hours learning when i was like 14 or whatever. so long as youre enjoying yourself its all good.

  3. 5:21am... watching the shitty filmed-in-colour below substandard should-never-have-been-carried-on-to-this-embarassing-point-pile-of-shit epidsode of Twilight Zone...


    ...this shit could surely knock a fuckin crack addict out, but is apparantly doing nothing for my inability to sleep... wack.

  4. ^^ ripper.... give him another couple years to grow out of the hints of grom steez he's got and i bet we'll be seeing more of him.


    i really really really hope you're not talking about Tom Penny.


    dude doesn't need to grow out of shit, his steez is established as one of the dopest things to get done on a skateboard.

  5. aerosoul, that "over" entry would work/flow/balance alot better if you rocked a capital R, rather than the lowercase.


    get my new super bitchin' phone camera sat nav super-machine tomorrow, i need to make a return to the battle thread.


    also optick, keep an eye on that exchange thread, i've got something for you i've needed to post for aggggggges. unless you just want me to drop you a PM, whatevers clever.


    man having something that gives me means to post flicks is going to be fucking awesome. winner.

  6. holy shit lumos... bringing the ill behaviour... that R is dope. also the D to I to U flow is off the chain.


    nice to see things hotting up in here again...


    it's times like these i wish i had a scanner or a digital camera.

  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Marijuana,


    where the fuck have you dissapeared to? i'm bored and have money to buy you and yet you don't show up. some drug you're turning out to be.

    get with the program and hit me up.


    boringly yours,


  8. Re: motorbikes!


    thanks bro.


    i been thinking in a couple of years it'd be pretty awesome to have a gsxr600 to blast around on, my friend recently lent me 2 of the Ghost Rider DVDs, that dude is a fuckin' fruitcake, the run he does on a 'busa is mental, passin' trucks between the edge of the inside lane and the central reservation and shit... fuck that, lol.

  9. Re: motorbikes!


    not that i think anyone here is going to be that interested but i used to be the head graphic for Dream Machine here in the UK, they're a motorcycle paint company. Got contracts with the Rizla Suzuki BSB and Moto GP teams, both of which i produced work for :)


    these days the company isn't really what it used to be but there's still some cool shit going on, check the website.




    i don't think i could have a bike for a while. knowing me i'd end up wrapped around a lamp post or some shit after getting a little too throttle happy, haha.

  10. not to be an ass and make more pointless fully flared comments... but...


    i just watched it and holy fucking shit... the hype machine was right.


    worth it even just to see brandon beibel get hit in the face by exploding debris in the intro. haha.


    fuck i really want to skate now.


    fucking winter !

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