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Posts posted by terrorlicious

  1. U niggas are really jockin is cat


    I haven't been in a fight? Are u stupid bitch?


    I'm from englewood I've probably been in more fights than u and dude put together


    Ill knock dude the fuck out and take his fuckin credit cards...get over it


    I done body slammed niggas that weigh 200+


    Unless he can move like that nigga from the matrix he's done




    headlocks? body slams? what? lol dude punches people the fuck out, and got rich from doing it. this ain't the WWE man, this is BOXING, get outta here with that mickey mouse shit.


    pac is no joke, he's won belts in 5 different divisions. he would end your shit in a second.


    EDIT: sorry, i think i got it wrong, it might actually be 7 different divisions.

  2. this should be turned into a 12oz quickfire contest.


    whoever manages to succesfully put that mackin' on and acquire nudes of a certified lady hamburgler (male contestants only, of course) wins lifetime props and some premium membership steez.

  3. 5:21am... watching the shitty filmed-in-colour below substandard should-never-have-been-carried-on-to-this-embarassing-point-pile-of-shit epidsode of Twilight Zone...


    ...this shit could surely knock a fuckin crack addict out, but is apparantly doing nothing for my inability to sleep... wack.

  4. so my friend who i used to play in a band with years ago left his facebook signed in and evidently some of his housemates sabotaged his status. which i thought was funny. and then out of nowhere, internet facebook status battle errupts and i made this bitch mad.



  5. i knocked boots with a goth chick in my early teens. she was fuckin' mental in bed. deffo still in the top 5 out of any chicks i've stuck it to.


    she even once asked me to pee on her, but i bottled it and declined, i don't think back then i realised that peeing on her would've been legendary and that i should've done it.


    i have no idea what point i'm making here other than if you find one of these goth bitches and she asks you to pee on her, do it, take pics, and post 'em here or something.

  6. ^^ ripper.... give him another couple years to grow out of the hints of grom steez he's got and i bet we'll be seeing more of him.


    i really really really hope you're not talking about Tom Penny.


    dude doesn't need to grow out of shit, his steez is established as one of the dopest things to get done on a skateboard.

  7. yeah for sure, i'm always at god damn work whenever this shit goes down.


    that said, i think after my 5 or so years on the 12 (i had an account before this one before some asshole tries to point out my "join date" is 06) i shall be showing some love and getting myself a green name when i get paid next week.

  8. this is some straight up demolition man shit.


    people living in tunnels under cities has been happening for years, the catacombs (sp?) underneth paris for example. but yeah, shit is pretty harrowing. i'd fucking hate to be living in some bacteria ridden poison filled spider nest storm drain, would be pretty sick to bust in and paint there for a night though.


    twofiftylbs, chill out man, anyone would think someone broke into your house on christmas eve and pissed on your kids. stop trying to pull cards and gain props.

  9. flickr is lame as fuck. i leave better looking websites in the toilet each morning before work and to be fair its got 100 times the amount of toys that 12oz has ever had. for uploading flicks for my design portfolio, yeah its all good. but as a site to spend any length of time on to look at graffiti and/or converse with other legit writers? fuck that.


    fuck flickr. shit is weak.


    more to the point, if you can't handle internet shit talking, what exactly are you doing having an account on any internet forum?

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