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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. :haha: untill you lose it and wrapped in saran no less. :nope:
  2. wondering hwy i came into work today super grateful my bank was so helpful when initiating those disputes. hoping they continue to cooperate and let me keep my money.
  3. Re: What are you doing right now? mergerolalalalala
  4. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear text messages, where were you all my life? and why do so many people not like you all that much? personally, for succinct communication, you cannot be beat, except maybe for email, which is also awesome ok well, i'm not hyped on texting abbreviations like C U L8R but no thing is perfect! P.s. txt, i'll never cheat on you with AIM. <3 you txt !@#$%
  5. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear rolf, not exactly sure why. i just don't like it. i like to hang out in person, or communicate succinctly. my ma loved loved loved talking on the phone. when she'd call i'd think oh here goes 3 hours. so i dunno, maybe it's cuz it reminds me of her and i miss her. but, i didn't like it before that either. i just don't get much enjoyment out of it.. remember in fight club when they're talking about people really listening, as opposed to just waiting for their turn to speak? maybe that's what phone convos feel like to me.. tough to put a fine point on it. !@#$%
  6. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    Dear 'anyone who likes talking on the phone' i detest talking on the phone if i could have a cell plan with 5 minutes a month, for ordering pizza, that is what i'd have !@#$%
  7. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    freakee yup, for seeing fluorescently tagged/transfected cells symbs
  8. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    Dear IR hahaa sweet listing but.... it's that metal box on the upper left. do ya know where the fuck it is?!?! -me
  9. :haha: fuck yes. ...........................................................................
  10. e-shopping for xmas presents fretting about the location of our fluorescent lamp net surfing pandora radio-ing eating bread typing......
  11. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear whoever has our $5k zeiss flourescent lamp, please return it. we're a new lil small baby lab. and cannot really afford to buy another one. sincerely, lab tech oner
  12. bwaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaaa holee shit this thread NEVER gets old. between the ghetto fab "hard body" and those demonic babies or the fact that these people exist ..shitty mcshit, or the fact that there is someone out there named "TRINCETON" fuckin HAHAHA
  13. fuck. day got messed up. searched for a package now that it's nowhere to be found the fun begins trying to reach IT help for some IEEE board. uploading like 3 gigs of photos. wishing i had more! doing day 2 of my in situ huuuungry
  14. back at work again repeat x498374385348768347
  15. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    oh no. not a brocrush or whatever they call that shit. Dear they what do you call that shit? symbolss.
  16. ^cook some food. i'm uploading flicks. and hungry.
  17. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    cG srsly. these were girls i worked with in a pharmacology lab too, they weren't complete airheads. i dunno if that makes it better or worse. crazy to me too, cuz most pro athletes seem like total douchebags !@#$%
  18. shit. i should start a thread. i lost internet at home since my neighbor locked it or whatever, so maybe tomorrows. i have some suhweet fuckin pics. if you like landscape
  19. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    Cali, don't underestimate determined ladies. i used to work with these hockey sluts and they found out where all the hot Capitols players hung out, then proceeded to hang out there. eventually they bedded several of them. for all i know it was at the same time. :shook:
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