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Your Moms New Boyfriend

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Everything posted by Your Moms New Boyfriend

  1. this was my good homie Lee.. mos amazing skateboarder and person ever.. he was shot and killed in December.. if you read teh new skateborder and Transworld theres some write ups on him RIP
  2. man some of the clothing trends of skateboarding hahaha peep my hair and jacket
  3. her tittle .. " I am fond of black men - 46 "
  4. totally forgot I have an old sponsor me video here.. gotta try to put it from vhs to computer
  5. I want to see what the Koston lakai shoe is gonna look like
  6. got it to work... think the cable has a short but it works
  7. no i do not... i think its the cable even tho i just bought it an hour ago....
  8. so if i plug it into the top usb's its starts beeping and freezes... if i plug it into the bottom usb it flickers and nothing... and my printer works fine off the usb
  9. when i plug in a usb2.0 into my computer a pop up comes up saying power surge... i unplugged every usb device and still nothing and I have a usb cable that lights up but when i plug it in it just flickers
  10. in 97-98 ish i was riding 8.5 boards and 60mm wheels... but where i lived that was the norm..
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