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Everything posted by IrishCarBombs

  1. from here... http://www.supermegacomics.com/
  2. So I just watched Scott Hairston hit for the cycle.
  3. my bad didn't see pert lol How about Delmon Young getting arrested today lol Anti-Semitic Ninja Turtle. He looks like Eli Porter
  4. My brother owns 3 law firms!!!!!!
  5. You're such an Artfag, the pages of your banksy book are stuck together.
  6. look comfy actually. how breathable are they? good in reducing swamp foot in the summer?
  7. I was the one who posted this on tumblr and then in the new york thread. Think I found it from using http://archive.org/web/web.php to visit old archived pages of sixcentz.com If anyone remembers old graffiti websites please try it and bring some old lost pictures back from the dead. I'm currently resizing over a bunch of pictures from tagpage. sadly all the old audio interviews weren't salvageable.
  8. watched the last inning, Congrats but I was skeptic on the last call when it happened.
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