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Everything posted by IrishCarBombs

  1. can seem to get mozilla firebug to work on imeem.com to download the the mp3 files the player is playing, any help?
  2. Re: It's The Shit Thread - no homo Downloading PRO TOOLS 7.4 right noww oontz oontz oontz here i come
  3. well no one is when they first come. you have to go through hazing
  4. nightclub one, only to find out new tracks
  5. casek i'f im on a pc not a mac what program could i use to rip music from a myspace music profile
  6. Re: It's The Shit Thread - no homo this is fucking making me laugh i canceled my nextel but still owe them like $400 im paying it off monthly, but solicitors keep calling my house, i ignore them since i have a payment plan with nextel now the solicitors are calling my neighbors telling them to give me the message to call so and so numbers back hahahaha
  7. Re: It's The Shit Thread - no homo once mixing colors, had a rusto green basically like explode. i had green paint fly everywhere. all over my wall,bed, my face,chest hair. i thought i went blind, for 10 mins i was scrubbing my eyes, when i finally got my vision back, my eyes were bloodshot, and my whole face was green also with a bunch in my hair hahahahaha
  8. Re: It's The Shit Thread - no homo once while drunk and in the extreme ny cold, we were painting trucks and i was holding the can backwards and pressing, seeing nothing or feeling nothing only to drop the can and realized i had paint my whole fucking palm and and inside fingers sky blue
  9. Re: It's The Shit Thread - no homo its pouring here in brooklyn
  10. NEW YORKK. i know where you live now time to kill you. also that pizza looks mad good, and just made me hungry
  11. isn't it called handball? or are you hipsters playing something else
  12. that orange and gray islanders.
  13. hayabusa if you dont mail me that painting im making spreadaids give you aids.
  14. IrishCarBombs


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