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Everything posted by logik.one

  1. dont front, you all know your jelous of my wal-mart cadillac keychains.
  2. hey man, you wanna get an underground cigarette distrobution going? ill send you some delicious marlboros for 5 dollars a pack then you can turn around and sell them for 6 dollars. we'll both win.
  3. this is basicly a culmination of my insanity suppresion... oh and i wanna see if can post an image... here ya go.
  4. logik.one


    do they got one of those at wallmart? if so, im racking one so i can rack some paint.
  5. you really a chef? Ive been looking into being a chef and doing the culinary arts thing. Quoted post [/b] yeah i am... i can tell you right now, its a hard field to be in. you gotta be able to work horrid hours, work in extreme heat and cold, never ever have a weekend off ever again, deal with a bunch of punk fucking kids and whinny servers and all. but its also very rewarding, and the money right too. i would recomend it.
  6. umm no offense but what the hell does this have to do with this thread?
  7. i know everyone has something that they do that keeps them from losing they're minds, something that sets your mind at ease, lets you sleep at night. a form of meditation for your soul. Everyone has something but few people actually realize it. Some people jog, some people paint, some write. ive got a few. Logik's insanity suppresions: -The hour between when my girlfriend goes to bed and when i do, when i can just kick back, have a beer, and play video games in silence. -The cigarette in my car on the way to work -painting -walking the tracks so post up your insanity suppresents. peace.
  8. dude i didnt figure that this many people smoked on 12oz... YEAH FUCK THOSE TRUTH PUSSIES! yeah i may die earlier than them but at least i looked cool while doing it... no but seriosly fuck the truth campaign. these guys had a tent at a festival i went to, i walked past them with a cigarette and those fags had the balls to take my smoke and stomp it. needless to say, dude got hit and the tint got "vandalised"
  9. ok... for real your on the internet. do you really need people to post titties in here? just click your history button and pick any link... unless you got net nanny or something. in which case i would understand
  10. EAST COAST... never seen the joint
  11. haha i think its funny as shit that people are like :blah, blah, blah, what is this 1996 get with the times, blah,blah,blah. like im this with the times cool guy... seriously im like a step away from being a pop culture hermit. sigh, ill never get to hang out with the popular kids...
  12. ooohhhhhhhhhhhh....huh...okay
  13. haha im a chef and i know that those fucking guys add now contrabution to society. they dont even contribute to culinary society
  14. i might be stupid but i have no idea what anyone is talking about in this thread.
  15. Im a chef... it kicks ass. Free meals, good money, young sexy servers, cool people.
  16. anyone seen clerks? this reminds me of the guy who works for the chewing gum company... hahaha :haha:
  17. oh gee wiz! i never knew that happened! i better quit now! those faggy kids in the truth comercial were right all along!
  18. yeah i always buy a carton before i do any traveling to major cities... FUCKING 7 DOLLARS FOR A PACK OF MARLBOROS? fuck that.
  19. I know im gonna catch alot of shit for this thread but i know there has to be some tobacco smokers out there... so whats your prefference? I prefer Marlboro Reds, or mediums cause they are usually buy 2 get one FREE. I also like Capones every now and again. My girlfriends dad got me a REAL cuban cigar for christmas. i need a special occasion for that puppy... so what you smokin?
  20. this subject hits close to home for me... Im a chef, i deal with meat every day, i serve LOTS of meat to people. so meat is definatly my bread and butter. i personaly feel its dangerous to be a vegan... being in the business im in i find that vegans feel they need to "convert" me cause im the cause of alot of slaughtered animals. and i tell you, VEGANS ARE NOT HEALTHY. most of them ive met are so dependent on vitamens they have to carry a pharmacy with them. people dont realize that human beings NEED meat. meat has hundreds of essential vitamans and nutrients that humans need to be healthy. not to mention the intestinal complications it causes (know those vegan farts your talking about? thats not some innocent gas, its the begining of your digestive system weakening to the point of a 90 year old man). And as far as not eating animals for humane reasons, thats just fucking stupid in my opinion. we, as a species have survived through the centuries from eating animals. do you think we would be alive today if the cavemen were like "That wooly mammoth over there has feelings so i dont want to eat it. im going to see if i can live off of these berries over here..." NOPE. bunch of self important new age hippies
  21. dude you still got like 5 or so days! keep trying!
  22. you would be surprised how many people give a shit that you have chicken on your roof... anyway dude you seem slightly high strung, calm down, im sorry you didnt like my thread, everything will be okay.
  23. raise my annual income by atleast $10,000 dollars... oh and Fuck quitting smoking, you only live once, you might as well live hard. :hatred:
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