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Everything posted by skirmfirm

  2. i tired racking £5 tria's but the woman was so nice when she asked me if i needed help i felt well bad and bailed and got some zigs instead from somewhere else, its harsh on little tiny art stores shame the big stores dont sell good shit like that. Paints a breeze tho.
  3. unles u can find one thats stuck into the lid like blowing bubbles things like on quality of life they must be good
  4. a leafy suburb in the uk but with music and the internet we all speak like gangsters here
  5. sorry its cos im a mega rude boy from the ghetto you see
  7. sorry sorry, maybe its just the clash in humours across the pond, i was joking, typing with a smile on my face, being big headed haha maybe you just read in the wrong tone! :)
  8. the first half of that is ok
  9. as promised (with some other slov goodies thanks http://www.fotolog.com/slograff/) NT
  10. hush ya gums junobo you knows we'll be in competition when my house paint and alcahol goes global
  11. ok ok i jus meant u can obviously get gloss etc i may try that shit if its a way of making some funky colors but i cant see it being that perminent, but to be honest if someones specifically buffing something there gonna have the chemicals for even the strongest ink so any form of paint wouldnt stand.
  12. i must be the glupen king cos ive had some emails about making them so here it is step 1 - unscrew the lid off the glue pen and empty that shit away but dont waste it put it into a jar for future use. step 2 - the lid/nip consists of three parts, the screwy ringpiece, the circle of material and a sort of plug that wedges in behind it, just push down on the top and it shud pop out. step 3 - throw away the bit of material as its not that great mine was to thick for the paint and left bad streaks step 4 - get an old t shirt, or anything made of thin cotton (i used my old work shirt fuckin cunts!) and cut a whole about the size of a 2p (bout an inch wide) step 5 - from seeing how the other bit of material was in place its simple just put the material over the bung and put it back up tight put it on the marker with ur chosen juice and vallah! (this is how all the glue pens ive used have been constructed other models may vary, contents sold seperatly, please ask the carpet payers permission before you make the mod, skirmfirm industries will not be held responsible for any mad drippy handstyles that may result from the use of this item)
  13. id that a camera on there? damn there fuckin everywhere..
  14. no house paint can be anything depends for what use.
  15. read the fuckin thread you time waster on this page alone ive explained exactly what to do with house paint with pictures and everything...........
  16. how do you make krink? wats a kiwi how do you do drips? can you get flares with that?
  17. glue pens t shirt cotton tip modification house paint and alcahol :)
  18. haha your talkin about racking something which costs pennies, yourd get in the same amount of trouble as getting something worth while jus buy the damn things! anyways, house paint and alcahol. tasty.
  19. isk go mad # im gonna get on a city rats postathon when im back sunday :P
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