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Everything posted by Knim_One

  1. not sure why my webcam has a border lol was quick :P
  3. kid with a cope shirt... "hes a dumbass juggalo"
  4. how does this look as far as the tonal range to u guys? im editing on a laptop and it changes based on my viewing angle. :( when the blacks are rich i think its dope but it looks washed out too if i change my angle
  5. fuck man eyedea is gone... this hurts. WEIRD SONG THE ANTHEM do do do... de de dap.. do do do
  6. Whats good with steelhead! EVERYTHING
  7. ill battle. im stuk in the woods. handstyle battle "12ozprophet"
  8. outline stuck in the woods edit for slighty better pic
  9. i went some concert in portland. last night lol. i i have a mustace lol but i live in the fucking woods mostly in the backcountry so fuck shaving. but, i did not know that the mustace is now apperently cool. when the fuck did the mustace become a sign of trendy. also the concert was ok it was at the crystal ballroom. 503 saw some good ish no flics though sorry. joins hod hitop cas zeb kwc and lots of artboy stickers. ne1 got a flick of the joins joint up ontop of the billboard downtown? or the kyt fire extinguisher
  10. i think sevs is pretty fly but without the second S it seems harder. i used to write KONA then i found out its taken plus a writer in my area wrote KOMA so i had to switch it up. knim seemed dope with the silent killer k and then the letters all have some flow with the diagnol bar and such but i sometimes wish i could skip the "I"
  11. alll is well just did another tonight and tried to think back to some ideas i get from that :) ill post it up back in other.
  12. i mean photos are always 100 percent doper on film. but, i live a crazy life and digital gets it done
  13. sure. first i went into the wilderness with camera gear. then the rain broke after 2 days. high pressure had set in. i explored the posible view of the mountain from atop the frozen lava flows. i found a few interesting viewpoints and ate dinner and such. the sky had been clear all day, aside from 1 lenticular that i spotted at about 2pm. when i saw this i knew it was on. as a warm front with moisture was surely approaching my location. I knew if the first cirus clouds cam around sunset i would be set to have the glow of sunset reflect in the clouds while the last hints of alpenglow hit the mountain, but not so late as to not have soft light still hitting the rocks in the foreground. I set my aperture and focus to hold detail throughout the scene then took a light reading, set my shutter speed (i think this is 20-30sec @iso 400 probably) then i set my camer and gorilla tripod upon the rock, fine tuned the composition, set the self timer, and released the shutter. Once back to civilazation i uploaded the picture to my computer, edited the raw file twice. in photoshop i removed all my fucking sensor dust and sharpened the image. then i duplicated my base layer, and adjusted curves for the sky. on the base layer i adjust curves for the foreground. then i created a layer mask, selected the defualt gradient paint bucket, and created a single gradiant to blend the two layers visually. file save as etc
  14. I am not ok with blown highlights and im trying to come to terms with it in regards to technique, style, and execution. until then i just wanna keep it all on the ole' histogram
  15. i got a entry comin tonight for tha massive battle
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