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Everything posted by Caik

  1. i read the thread wrong :( haha i didnt realise it was an appreciatrion thread... and now i got a red tampon because of it...
  2. fuuuck. i got me 3 negaprops from one single post, just for postin a picture of a guy, in a wolf shirt, gettin sprayed with a hose...in the wolf shirt appreciation thread... :(
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6AwmDDdGm8 Weathermen on WKCR 2002
  4. if they fell, theyd be more than fucked... thats about a minute drop... #1 suicide destination in the world...
  6. aaaaw you beat me to it, i was gonna add the loving prunes too... ah well...
  7. Caik


    oh for sure. if im getting repeatedly raped by an entire fuckin clan of people doin' nothin but spraying, then fuck honor. ima pick that shit up and obliterate. but ima never have it takin up a space on my custom classes... other than that, i like to try n uphold some kind of 'honor'. cos its always more entertainin knowin that you jus merked a pro clan without resortin to cheap classes and plenty of frags...
  8. Caik


    maaan thats why i hate that shit! its a fuckin stupid gun, all you have to do is fire in there general area, with a fuckin 200 round clip, you get hit by 3 of the shots, and your dead, shits ridiculous. its just cheap as hell, like the m21, or P90... i jus fuckin hate whenever i get killed by that shit, cos its a fuckin lmg, that shit should not be able to stretch the map, kill me with 2 shots, at the same accuracy as a sniper... WITH 200 ATTEMPTS.... in my opinion...
  9. Caik


    ay peyote, i'm sure your a good player n all, but i am not a fan of those classes. The RPD is probably the fuckin stupidest weapon in the game, Juggernaut is fuckin lame and the M40A3 is better than the R700, plus the P90 is fuckin stupid too. the class i'm most frequently rollin wiht right now is M40A3 w/ ACOG Gold Deserteagle Frag x3 Stopping power Steady aim. (no scopes can work like a shotgun in those close range situations.) :scrambled:
  10. Caik


    Halo 3 fuckin sucks. ...i said it...
  11. buckfifty mate. im from the uk. and to be honest. grime.is.shat. sorry. just my personal opinion, each to their own. quita a bit of our 'real' hip hop doesnt compare though. but we no doubt have many who definitely could stack up. such as jehst and phi life cypher etc. eh don't limit yourselves though, listen to it all. uk, us. it doesn't matter. if it's good. fuckin listen to it. you lot need to untwist yout panties.
  12. i dunno. summin kinda simple.
  13. yeh i got some fugly handstyles. and there was a ! afterwards. thats why it carried on. it was 'LUST!' yeh and i didnt want it to go too blocky n square. so i tried to carry it on. anyway, thanks for the comments.
  14. LUST. for an exchange with lust. comments?? i need ideas on what to work on.
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