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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. AyeBee, don't mix beer and spirits, that is a bad idea man. Start with beer, stick with beer. That is the best way to not make yourself feel crook.
  2. Can I use the Eyetoy from my playstation2 as a webcam? It is a USB camera, I just wondered if I could, that is all.
  3. Mauler5150


    Sounds gay. I just bought a replacement GH control, a shiny new blue flying V. I don't like the strap holders, and the buttons don't seem as smooth and responsive as the standard ones. I equate it to playing a guitar with a higher action than normal. Having a functioning whammy bar again is nice though. Lets see how long this one lasts, plus now i can battle mates who are too ghey and cheap to buy the game themselves.
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Forget about her man. Just meet some hot euro online and get them to get on msn and teach you their language over voice chat.:lol::lol: A couple of people on here might know what I am talking about!!
  5. I am just finishing my last beer, talking to a friend on msn.
  6. Yes, beer is definitely not queer! Tango talked me into starting to drink tonight, even though i was goign to take it easy!!
  7. Damn, Ayebee with typing like that I'm not surprised they cut you off, haha. Fuck that getting depressed shit, it just isn't worth it sometimes That is why you should drink beer AyeBee, so you can kick back and relax!!
  8. yes that sounds like an idea. Shame you will sound like a 13 year old kid though!!
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread How was the rafting this time rush??
  10. Anyway, just got done with a few games of pool and GH with some mates while sinking some Carlsberg. Not bad, better than I remember it. Also was debating how I think going to the Ice Cube concert on the weekend would be a better night out than the Game concert tomorrow. Funny thing is a guy I have known for 20 years is the support act for Ice Cube. Bizzare.
  11. Good shit AyeBee, but I thought you loved looking at the clearance merchandise all day??
  12. Added you casek, and sent you a bit of stuff (suits/glasses/wheelchair/etc) Hit us up when you get on next!
  13. Hhah thanks for the advice Seffiks. I was thinking of that too, and I will see what I can do. You still coming on SL casek?
  14. Ahh yes, that is what I should do, but he would expect me to do it for free I reckon.
  15. I told him that. I think he is half tarded though. Oh well, I'll let him take it to the shop as it is still under warranty. Teach him for not following my instructions when he first got it.
  16. But it is a laptop, does that make a difference, seeming as it runs from a battery?
  17. Mauler5150


    Oh yeah and this guy is an arsehole. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dVJ0oWVdVQ But he does well on this song, haha.
  18. Mauler5150


    Sweet casek. I just went and played 'Play with me' on Expert again, and got 59% thru it. If I could nail down the riff sections I might be able to pass it.
  19. Mauler5150


    I read thru the thread and saw that you did. I was given another tux though, it is more dressy by someone else. Just make a new name casek, I'm on there now. Same as anyone else who wants to play. As for t4m, on GH1 I have done most of the songs on expert, I think I only have a couple to go in the second last set (maybe Crossroads and something else), on GH2 I have gotten stuck on and given up on Freya, even though I can pass Hangar 18 and B&H on expert, haven't tried Freebird as it is too long and boring. On GH80s I finished hard easily, and have only tried the final song on Expert, and only managed to get 43% thru it in 5 tries. It is very fucking hard, that i sall I can say.
  20. care to elaborate EBPH? What kind of smash (fight/car/woman)??
  21. I'm not american either, I'm an Aussie. But yeah, it is a good show.
  22. Doesn't Julian only drink Jacks and Coke?? Or is it Rum and coke? Been a while since I watched any TPB, I might have to get reaquainted with it.
  23. Hahah, Ayebee, you need to keep that temper under conrtol man before you end up inside! And what is this plan Manute currently has underway I wonder??
  24. OK, he is doing this, and apparently it goes to load and then it goes to windows recovery. He says if he boots normally it goes to a blue screen and says windows has detected a problem and has been shut down to prevent further damage. He says every time he goes to do anything it goes to the same screen, even after clicking boot to safe mode. The idiot is still running Norton (even after I told him to switch to avast!!), so could this be a cause for it not wantting to boot properly?
  25. Im drunk right now. I could only get 43% thru the final song on GH80s on expert in 5 tries. That is a fucken beast song!!
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