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Everything posted by transparent

  1. the enemy piece was crazy
  2. that columbia hat is fresh so is that black red sox hat with the gold B
  3. transparent


    yes they are JorOne customs
  4. criz always with dope flix
  5. the flavor is ridiculous up there so much style in montreal.. damn i love it
  6. that simpsons shit is funny
  7. what was underneath the snail thing? or was that there when yous started painting?
  8. transparent


    everybody knows amelia earnhart crashed her airplane at the daytona 500
  9. transparent


    kid those dc's on the last page are ridic
  10. who the fuck is this desman cat?? damn i didnt see that article in the sun O Good cuttin off thumbs for graff damn.. I might be in danger out here in the sin...
  11. the great piece is ridiculous
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