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Francis Dolarhyde 36

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Everything posted by Francis Dolarhyde 36

  1. WOW! you really are stirring things up typing with such authority! :dunce:
  2. hoes eat dick like eggs & steak.
  3. WERD UP! wait....Dublin? Ireland? wrong thread? what the ................. i'm confffffffused. haha
  4. honestly lard-ass you've posted way better flics in the past. those blurry ones dont seem like your style of pictures. i'm not hating. i've just seen you post better..ya dig?
  5. yer right oddio. i didnt wanna quote your stuff from the last page. but yer right. i stand corrected. props.
  6. it means you dont have any respect for the people who put time and effort into painting it. and in turn..you gets no respect. ya dig
  7. stolen from the NW super thread re-dedicated to the "talkers" in this thread
  8. stolen from the NW super thread re-dedicated to the "talkers" in this thread
  9. yer such an optimist Porcelain. that shits going down in flames
  10. CLOSE THIS SHIT. negative props all around for you "on post"
  11. as for the rest of the "talkers" on this thread. PEEP THIS SHIT!
  12. RIP Fist. Besea scissor hands. choppin up that ultra flat black
  13. wow...please throw yourself, along with your camera, off a 100-story building. hopefully you drop into moving traffic and after belly flopping on concrete you'll then be turned into a bloody pancake by a 20 ton semi with bull horns on the front....and your camera will then cease to exist............. thats not even on the toy level. thats some 2 year old bloody diarrhea diaper shit.. GROSS!!
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