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Francis Dolarhyde 36

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Everything posted by Francis Dolarhyde 36

  1. http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff304/uprobablysuckkid/ethug.jpg what does that say in the top left? haha
  2. fuck yeah spectr!! Mariners are going to be looking pretty hot in the AL WEST!!! props to you man for giving props to my mariners!!! much love homie!!
  3. yaaawwwwnnnn..hooks yer lame. porcelain keep the flics comin. hollR!!
  5. dude what are you so mad about? why are you hating on porcelain? seriously, you must have some free time to hate poeple who post shit on a forum. i'm really surprised you took the time to go lurking thru his personal shit and try to direct everyone in this thread towards it. granted i read it the thread about his girl..but its nothing to hate the dude over..or talk shit to him like hes less of a man. PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE no mattter what forum you are on. hes saying whats going down in his life in a legit thread. so whats your beef? are you mad cause he fucks girls and you fuck your hand? are you mad cause he has more "e-cred" then you? are you mad cause he knows how to construct a complete sentence without sounding like a complete moron? what are you so jealous of him for? really Hooks, it just seems like you are being a big baby about this whole thing. and it makes you look childish to hold some sort of personal vendetta against porc. even if you have a legitmate reason for hating him so much, whats the point of "throwing" words at him on a forum...if you are going to talk so much shit about him and go thru all these hoops to make him look bad...its not working.. you need to grow up hooks.
  6. damn...thats silly fresh. never seen anything on the sounder before.
  7. thats great news............................. :o
  8. yawn...yer dumb. 12oz is supposed to have flics. and a lot of people dont like to self promote. which is cool. graffiti enthusiasts should be encouraged to take flics of any graffiti in their area and post it..if that wasnt happening, we'd all be sitting here bored out of our mind talking about bullshit..oh wait......haha haters like you shouldnt be here.... fuck open enrollment.
  9. thanks for brightening up this dull thread with those flics kores!! gee whiz they were great. ha. bump my ninja Kosh-rock
  10. quit talkin kiddo. you dont know shit. your opinion doesnt matter. put up or shut up. you probably dont even write you fuckin groupie. get off the dick.
  11. yer not wrong walter, yer just an asshole!! haha fuck it dude, lets go bowling
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