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Francis Dolarhyde 36

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Everything posted by Francis Dolarhyde 36

  1. and now they are back....wtf? i need to lay off the mushrooms...woooooooooooooo
  2. whats even the point of doing graffiti if yer wack? or posting flics of wack shit? seriously..quit now.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ hahahahhahahhah WOW way to be right dude!! thats funny shit!
  4. post that shit somewhere else hindenberg.
  5. lackluster –adjective 1. lacking brilliance or radiance; dull: lackluster eyes. 2. lacking liveliness, vitality, spirit, or enthusiasm: a lackluster performance. –noun 3. a lack of brilliance or vitality.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=gkae+talk+show parts 1-4. GKAE and SKEPT are HARDCORE! bump the shit outta the 90's for reals!!
  7. yeah man, i agree. 90's were the shit!! everyone was killin it. from east to west. from Cope2 to GKAE. they should make a graff video featuring hella writers from the 90's called "i love the 90's" filmed like the show on VH1. they could show video footage and have interviews with writers talkin about those days and shit.. they could play the video of GKAE on the Gabrielle show. SO FUNNY! that video is on YouTube. you should peep it out. haha.
  8. yawn.....no one cares what YOU think relax WOULD do. speak for yourself and no one else. you could steal on 99% percent of people in seattle and get beat the fuck up 100% of the time. c'mon dude. :lol:
  9. its cause lard-ass is keepin this thread cool with flics. that blacktooth dude is probably on his way to getting banned.. more flics, less jibba-jabba! haha
  10. obviously you dont know shit. Mariners had a winning season last year AND AND AND we picked up some new pitching. so its on for 08. Mariners are going for the gusto.. although the Tigers are going to win it all...they have an all-star at every position. haha :scrambled:
  11. yeah..thats disgusting..post that in the toys thread will ya DON_KNOTTS
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