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Francis Dolarhyde 36

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Everything posted by Francis Dolarhyde 36

  1. hahahahhahaa. "that stuff" haha. jizz. it could be cum either way. i shot some slerm in her throat. she got slerm all over my dick. her pussy leaks slurm. still sounds nasty. bump some nasty shit!!
  2. slerm is a nasty word. get nasty with it nasty mcnasterson!
  3. i see a lot of rites trains in Seattle. but um....rites, yer flics belong in the METAL thread.
  4. that elboe is naaaaaasty. bump that nasty shit!
  5. the king himself. brutal..pioneer. bumps!
  6. bump Sura, Verse, GPK, Meter shit is fresh from dude and hands!
  7. no harm no foul. jaber, smoker, dtc, poe..not shitty tags! good flics for real. there is an abundence of other new comers from multiple threads posting garbage. i was just putting the word out in my hometown thread. haha. keep up the old school flics too man!!
  8. might wanna go up and peep the bumps i gave. if i wanted to direct anything yer way i would cock the hammer back and aim at you.
  9. some of those flics are horrendous. i think i might barf..
  10. open registration is fucking retarded. now its an influx of toys and shitty flics. not so much interested in either. pictures of shitty tags dont belong in a thread specifically saying "(without crappy flicks)". c'mon now. take a look at what bigcocky and jimjones are posting. those are flics heads wanna see. those are the flicsk that get bumps. take note. follow suit.
  11. oh..well maybe someone has a flic of it when it was rocked harder? :scrambled:
  12. its hard to read what that Chek dude is writing. i think he might need to take a writing class. am i outta line? i'm just having trouble understanding what hes talking about?
  13. well if you wanna agree to disagree.. its crushed. looks grimey. grimey is beautiful...to me. add some better writers on that spot and it might live up to your standards. its got potential. agree?
  14. searius lysoe that spot is crushed! looks beautiful! bump that!!
  15. bump those tropicana-can-i-get a Gal of OJ. Sea-town is colder then a refridgerator car. high of 27. hollR!
  16. wow. some old ass flics. bump that Bler INI. looks like my grandpa did it. haha
  17. man its the Northwest..suicide village..depression central. plus its a graf forum. everyones pissed off cause the writers whos flics get posted dont go on 12oz....they are tooooooo busy DOING GRAFFITI.
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080120/ap_on_re_mi_ea/saudi_forced_divorce read this article..this ninja dun fucked up. she cant see her husband cause "married beneath her".
  19. i need to post some flics of the Jenkem i made last night. thats whats up.
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