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Francis Dolarhyde 36

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Everything posted by Francis Dolarhyde 36

  1. i agree 100% with LOUDFAT's signature. i like sluts! thats all i got...
  2. its funny how in every thread on 12oz people talk about who is good and who is wack.. the flics got posted. either give the writer some bumps or don't say anything. having discussions or arguments over who is better is so pointless. everything in life is a matter of opinion. what do you think makes "yours" so important? it doesn't matter what you think about who is writing what. real writers don't do graf to show off on 12oz. they put in work and get respect. before 12 oz there was real shit happening and writers got respect because others writers saw their shit up or rolling..this stupid website just started a bunch of useless talk from a large percentage of kids that dont even write.. its just blah blah blah. all day, all night.
  3. its funny when you have diarrhea and vomit at the same time. and yer spray shitting in the toilet while spewing chunks in the sink. fuck!!! i had a great weekend!!!
  4. this flic is dedicated to KORES. look i took a flic of some tags just for you! :)
  5. http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff304/uprobablysuckkid/ethug.jpg what does that say in the top left? haha
  6. yaaawwwwnnnn..hooks yer lame. porcelain keep the flics comin. hollR!!
  7. dude what are you so mad about? why are you hating on porcelain? seriously, you must have some free time to hate poeple who post shit on a forum. i'm really surprised you took the time to go lurking thru his personal shit and try to direct everyone in this thread towards it. granted i read it the thread about his girl..but its nothing to hate the dude over..or talk shit to him like hes less of a man. PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE no mattter what forum you are on. hes saying whats going down in his life in a legit thread. so whats your beef? are you mad cause he fucks girls and you fuck your hand? are you mad cause he has more "e-cred" then you? are you mad cause he knows how to construct a complete sentence without sounding like a complete moron? what are you so jealous of him for? really Hooks, it just seems like you are being a big baby about this whole thing. and it makes you look childish to hold some sort of personal vendetta against porc. even if you have a legitmate reason for hating him so much, whats the point of "throwing" words at him on a forum...if you are going to talk so much shit about him and go thru all these hoops to make him look bad...its not working.. you need to grow up hooks.
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