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Francis Dolarhyde 36

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Everything posted by Francis Dolarhyde 36

  1. LOL..Dkon. really? where did you dig up pics of that toys shit? he used to write Cryst. HAHAHAHAHA
  2. buckbang fix your bandwidth man i want to peep your flicks!!!
  3. i literally cannot tell what is happening in this picture.....
  4. look how cheap stoges are!!!! thats gotta be SF. bump my guy Roser
  5. will you 2 babies shut the fuck up. and. call me. tonight. lets kick it.
  6. the tag on the road kill deer is the highlight of those flicks. shits funny.
  7. this guy and my boys yapt, shit-cups and putrid. holler!!
  8. YOU would say this on the internet with your harry potter lookin ass.. you were crying the whole time..your girl was laughing at you. shit, I was laughing at you. then you continued to cry after you got punched in the face and your bitch ass glasses broke. "i got punched in the face for no reason, boo-hoo" i just want you to know, whoever you are, that YOU are a fag for being an internet drama queen and broadcasting some dumb shit on the internet looking for sympathy!! -E. Hustle
  9. get that shit outta here. how did you steal a photo that i took with a disposable? weird.
  10. hella dope sick..waiting for my homie to come bring me some shit so i can get well. i rrrrrrreally hope he gets here before my girl does..
  11. alright..alright. finally found this thread..yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  12. i feel like i'm walking on sunshine!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4qU57xPh5E&feature=related
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4qU57xPh5E&feature=related
  14. chillin at home watching 2 and a half men.. wondering why my girl is at a gay bar..at 2:30am.. very strange to me..hhhmmmm
  15. lol. yeah..fuck that guy. but the decision has been made.. thanks everyone for the input. haha. -Francis cant make a decision on his own..
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