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Everything posted by asitseems

  1. yeah fuck some neighborhood watch fucking wanna be hero motherfuckers
  2. you can use a rubber band to take off some of the supertags / inktags if you twist it right and if you want to steal a shitload of paint at one time you can stuff a whole bunch of cans into a box of something else and seal it back up and hide it and come back in a few days and buy it then return the big box of whatever for your money and keep the paint that you stuffed inside just make it look like you are looking at whatever is supposed to be in the box like you are going to buy it if someone says something, or you could just fill up a shopping cart and exit out of the fire door and set off the alarm its usually only an alarm for that door to tell the employees that its been opened larger stores might be wired into the actual fire alarm so you might end up calling the fire department with this way, but that might work to cover your escape cause of all the people freakin out cause they think the place is on fire
  3. when your 80 years old and your dick doesn't work anymore the flicks will be all you have left
  4. fear and loathing in las vegas, carlitos way (the first one), boondock saints, natural born killers, good fellas, 15 minutes, spun
  5. dafont.com has got some graffiti fonts
  6. Homemade ultrawide deodorant mop 1) Use up your everday stick deodorant you stinky bastard 2) Get an old gym sock and cut it in half 3) Jam the sock into the empty deodorant container cram it in as tightly as possible so it doesnt move when you press down on it make it sorta the same round shape as the deodorant for the best fit I used my keys to cram it in there really tight so it doesnt move when I press down on it you might try using some superglue but i dont have any so moving on.. 4) make the bottom leakproof with lots of glue and get you plenty of that georgia platnium (duct tape) so that you will not have a pocket full of ink 5) Go outside or in your garage or put down some newspaper or whatever 6) pour ink on the sock until you have flooded the deodorant container to however much ink you want to use, this shit hold alot, so you shouldnt try this if you only have a few ounces left. 7) write on stuff but be careful about pressing down too hard on the nib because your sock might come lose and fall out/in and then you will have to fix it and get ink all over yourself and possibly the floor Homemade Zippo stealth mini-mop 1) Get Zippo Lighter 2) Remove the top part that has the flint like you were going to put lighter fluid in it 3) get some chalkboard eraser and stuff it into the top you can glue it in place or just stuff it good and it wont move if you are careful 4) flood the nib with ink (its a good idea to carry a refill bottle of ink with you in something small like a visine eyedropper thing so you can refill this because it doesnt hold alot of ink) 5) close the lighter and be cool like joe camel Postermarkers and OTRs are basically the same thing, OTRS are the tinyest bit bigger than most poster markers, and the nibs are rectangle instead of some weird snap-in shape making them easier to replace with chalkboard felt, You can put bucket paint in them if you thin it with paint thinner (duh), If you would like more drips you can take a small nail and stab it into your nib this has previously been mentioned for pilots but it works here too, i've found that it works better on paint markers than pilots (maybe its just me i dunno) You can fill them both with either paint or ink, but not ink and paint at the same time that shit doesnt work and it will fuck up your nib/pump system You can fill your markers/mops with paint from a scrap can, if you first spray it into something else like a paper cup so that the spray vapors evaporate or else that shit will rocket out ( I made a marker once and called it the fuck the buff marker cause it shot out dookie green paint when you pressed down on the nib ) chapstick markers suck, if you make one just freeze a meanstreak and cut a chapstick sized piece off and do that instead its hella more permanent and actually looks like chapstick and doesn't leak ink in your pocket and whats with everyone making shoe polish mops and dumping out the shoe polish instead of using that shit too? OK thats all i've got for now, someone might have said this shit already but fuck if my A.D.D. gives a shit about the other 43 pages
  7. the buff uses a dookie green color that seriously doesnt match
  8. asitseems


    you can use a white out pen they work nice
  9. is it possible to take the ink out of my printer and use it and will it be easy to buff?
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