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Everything posted by flipstlv

  1. figured i'd post this as it's related, might have been posted before, not sure. aloy msk.
  2. is that "arxs" as in fiftyfour arxs from the south coast?
  3. any chance of a joiner on that last proddy?
  4. down with them rews sketches! brap!
  5. ro jo sul hit the nail on the head.
  6. new kid on the block? it looks like the last new kid, and the one before that, and even the one before that. just one style in pompy?
  7. i'll p.m you batty boy, dont need too many details on here
  8. paperchase? boring! i promise i wont rob your paint! sure you dont want to paint? anyway, if not, (cough pussy cough) post your linda in here by sunday!
  9. what about "linda"? i can work with her and them letters? if you wont battle, at least lets paperchase this shit! pussy!
  10. yeah, that stocky piece was whack, but it was some light stress relief before an interview (generally for jobs, its called work, you'll know when you get a little older, or you could ask mommy and daddy), it was done in literally 20mins, with scrap cans, and they're not even my letters! just a 12oz username. meet you at the courts on sun, if you're callin me out? chose colour schemes, even the word, if you want? fuckin biter!
  11. that "e" is a poor mans version of "able"s
  12. are we on a back to the future flex right about now? no-one calls me yellow!
  13. sire and zem dont keep this thread alive, or derby, the thread is dead and has been for along time, and whatever is posted on here, will never be a true representation of the scene. the thread died thanks to members who have been enrolled for less than a year. as for time and effort, yes, they have and do put it in, but taken years to master? zem hasnt been painting long at all, and he got to his standard through practice, and not being a clown on our forum! afew people could do with taking a note out of his blackbook, and go paint. serious. you'd be shocked at his age and the timescale this dudes been painting. although i would say, a certain other writer may want his "m" back.
  14. flipstlv

    faking it

    been wanting to watch this for years, missed the actual broadcast. dont watch it then if the accent bugs you, at the end of the day, its our fucking language, so you cant say shit! the word toy doesnt come into this programme at all, james doesnt think or class himself as a writer, and the mentors, are where the are at, for a reason, its not anyones place to question that reason. y'all just like hating. its just tv kids, and this is just the internet. fuck off.
  15. fuck right off! you're not not welcome on here, with your shitty comments, none of you are! all of you kids need to stop talking about the twelve in the playground! shits spreading like wildfire, all these new "writers" appearing, who dont even graff, dont know their history, an have no idea who theyre running their mouths to, where are you all comin from? you should take a step back, listen n learn and possibly live a little! all theory did was try and give your, marc ecko's getting up, had it since xmas, got stuck on the last level, bought my first posca pen yesterday, think i'm a king, brains, a little knowledge. (nb: not ment for majw)
  16. ^^^glad you've finally got an account, but be careful on what you post on here, its not just writers that read this thread. nice set of flicks, post more.
  17. "Home Office research has shown that if graffiti is removed three times, it won't come back," - pfft! a) ive never had one spot buffed 3 times. b) if that ever happened, i'd make a point of always having something running on that spot.
  18. of course they dont like illegal graff, thats why its called illegal, im not gonna get into this, i havent got your number anymore so cant call you, all im saying mate, is that certain locations, spots and cities are more likely to have a blind eye turned to them, if the graff isnt offencive. they're less likely to clamp down, if the public arent moaning. i'd prefer joe public to stop and be like, woah, thats brilliant, than what a fucking mess, wheres my phone, im gonna complain. feel meh? as for bending over, only for you big boy! haha. peace
  19. ^^^ think its the same people mate. gives graff a bad name, no wonder everything is getting buffed. if its who i think it is, people know their previous names, why not just build on those "reps"?
  20. okay, so the tunnel of love has been buffed yet again, this is getting stupid. went for a walk the other day, and this spot has been buffed too! (ps "vomit" and "twat" cant be helping things, go back to your origional names boys) LieR and Rise also found this, not sure if its been posted before, but better than the dating agency chat. Jerms
  21. even the sofa has been painted, brilliant! fye: is that a more evil aggressive "street" name for, old age pensionors? what happened to oap? they were sick!
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