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Everything posted by deterrent

  1. I agree that the quote is about making a comment towards mans thought, but what Iam saying is how can it be taken seriously when someone thinks god is a practacle joke? Starting your statement throws all creditablity out the widow. Im just saying rely on your self, and do what you say, don't make promisses or swear to God, JUST DO IT.
  2. This was my favorite quote: THOMAS JEFFERSON: "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Now I wish it wasn't about faith so much and more about fucking doodz up.. I'd change it to this: "I have sworn to slaughter the children, analy fuck the wives of tyrants and then lick the tears of unconsolable sadness off their cheak. DIPSET"
  3. I've looked around and need some help. I need to have someone transfer a 4gig file to me You send it MAXES at 2 gigs, is there anything I can use, a small fee is ok.
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I don't miss the complaining and her wanting to do things....
  5. what's that one called that makes you think it's all about cannabalism but it's actually about a homo whitey fucking tribal doodz? It was pretty good.
  6. Dood I wanted to pawn that lady up there with some sorta wifebeater.. So i google wifebeater and the third image was of this kid that went to school with me.. He studied Interior Design! I don't know what the fuck happened to his face, I figured everyone has said shit like that, so rather than talking about his face we'd talk about pussy and pulling tail from the ID girls. They'd fuck me cause I'm great and friends with an ugo, they'd fuck ugo just to get close to my design skillz. Yeah that's right doodz nickname was Ugo. Pronounced Uhg-Go
  7. hahahahaaaa damn dood didn't kraze rock dem birch trees. fuck lumberjacks.
  8. fuck dood catface stop the damn jibjab and battle.. throw your pic up
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