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Thought Wrong

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Everything posted by Thought Wrong

  1. you see... thought wrong is a pussy ass kid who loves graff but cant do it himself, so all he can do is save pics of shit someone else did dont mind him Quoted post [/b] :love2: :love2: :love2:
  2. naw dude, shits lame. Im not about a thread on 12oz. Its about houston. Id appreciate yall more if it was more than one wall. All around town or sumthin. Im not thinking about the quality of this thread, I want quality in the H. Where you and I both live and love (at least on my part). We look like shit, even to ourselves. Id just like to see shit going down. I kno TKB got a few things out but not as much as yall should.
  3. First of all Big ups to SD Its where I first got interested and into the game. I know this may be a vague question but I used to live in the Chula Vista around 01-02 and I knew a few writers in middle school. The only ones I remember is two dudes who went by Jedi and Hint at the time. This was like 8th grade check it. anyway, anyone know if those dudes are still around?
  4. Right now, abels and the dopeman are holdin this city down. Not jockin balls, never met either one but would give daps if i did.
  5. Theres a name I havent heard in a while.
  6. HEY MAN Are you talking down on poetry? Totally not cool, not cool. Go sit in the corner and think about what youve just said. Im tired of looking at you. .... Well go! What the hell are you waiting for? .... If you make me get out of this chair youre so gonna get it. Poetry is awesome and endures the heart to levels ordinarily unexperienced throught out the day.
  7. did you come up with that theory by yourself?
  8. Houstons nearly fuckin dead. We need more writers with talent in the blackbook before they hit the streets. AT LEAST. Plus everyone in Houston is some fucking thug ass nigga. When they dont even need to be. If everyone pulled shit together and just stop sqaubbling over some stupid shit, Houston COULD be a down ass city to go to for any writer. BUT NO. People wanna fuck it up. You swear Houston across the fucking chest, heart and soul when youre just fucking it up. Making us look like a bunch of ignorant dumbasses, never bombin and just trying to fight and kill each other OVER SOME STUPID MY COCK IS BIGGER THAN YOURS shit. Damn cant anyone fucking realize that the city they so fucking love born and raised and all that bullshit is the underachiever of US graffiti? We're the fucking retarded class of american graffiti. Im not gonna move until I make this city what its supposed to be and what it should. If you love this city so much then do something for it. Bomb this bitch but not with some stupid squiggly no fill and shit 3-d. QUALITY PLUS QUANTITY. PUT IN WORK AND YOULL GET PAID. DAMN HOUSTON WHERE THE FUCK DID WE GO WRONG? I love this city.
  9. i have 12,000+ fonts but thats not one of em... did a quick search, came up with nothing.. Quoted post [/b] thanks for looking.
  10. I need to get Better Type Right Bold font but im being told everywhere that its worth $24.00. Where can I find it valued at $0.00? (secret imply code :wink2: )
  11. Groe needs to groe the fuck up.
  12. There's a 'FONTS FONTS FONTS' thread in Untitled... you're more likely to get an answer there. Quoted post [/b] and thank you
  13. Whats the font used for the I heart New York T-shirts?
  14. omg is there gonna be a fight?
  15. <!--QuoteBegin-NOOBTU@Feb 15 2006, 12:51 PM even their diss looks like shit. Quoted post :haha: :haha:
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